Outcomes Report for the Indigenizing the Academy Conference August 26-28 2012 Summary Report on Outcomes ITA Dr. Ken Brealey, Associate Dean of Faculty, College of Arts University of the Fraser Valley, October 8 2013 Introduction The Indigenizing the Academy Conference (ITA) was held at the Gathering Center at the new Canada Education Park […]
This blog is no longer being updated and is maintained for archival purpose only. Visit the Indigenous Affairs Office for resources and information about current Indigenous initiatives at UFV.
Welcome to our Indigenizing the Academy website.
As summer turned into fall of 2012, 275 delegates from 33 post-secondary institutions came together at the University of the Fraser Valley’s Aboriginal Gathering Place. The purpose of the gathering: to discuss indigenization – a way of making universities welcoming for indigenous cultures, knowledge, learners, faculty, and staff.
Those who came to the gathering overflowed out of the UFV Longhouse/Gathering Place; they listened with their eyes, their ears, their spirit, and their hearts.
And in exchange, the keynote speakers, the guest speakers and visiting dignitaries spoke from the heart: shared their thoughts, and engaged in dialogue, speech and conversations that “needed to be had.”
The ceremony, the sweats, the food, and the sharing created an environment in which all speakers and listeners could reach down deep into themselves to bring renewal, understanding, and transformational growth to each other.
To find the notes from our Gathering, click on Resources. At this same tab, you can find videos from the Gathering, other Gathering resources, information on the Gift of Cedar, and more videos and resources that for you to browse.
To continue discussions started at the Gathering click on Dialogue. You can search the blog entries by category and comment on the entries. The collated discussions can also be found in Resources.
Future events can be found under Events
Recent Postings

ITA Final Report and Brochure
Indigenizing the Academy report

Indigenization in Motion: Indian Residential School Day of Learning at UFV
On September 18, 2013, a day-long collection of learning events, on-going displays, and interactive activities was held at UFV in conjunction with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) national event in Vancouver, which ran Sept. 18–21. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has a federally assigned mandate to learn the truth about what happened in the Indian […]

Life and Joy in the Ruins: Student reflections on UFV Indian Residential School Day of Learning
Life and Joy in the Ruins by Cindy Kelly CMNS 155,taught by Dr. Marcella LaFever There are reminders of the legacy of Indian Residential Schools all around me in the small Fraser Valley town where I live. However, I am a white woman who has little experience with the religious doctrine that created the system; little […]

UFV and the Progress report on The Day of Learning
The events of September 18, 2013 are elegantly documented by UFV Marcom’s senior editor Anne Russell in her post, UFV Indian Residential School Day of Learning examines Canada’s “greatest moment of shame” Her post is repeated here: By Anne Russell on September 26, 2013 “Children are supposed to grow up with their parents and families.” — […]

Dr. Lynne Davis — Alliance as a Site of Transformation
Dr. Lynne Davis’ Keynote speech can be found in full on the Resources-Videos page. Below, a summary: Posted by Carol Mammel Dr. Lynne Davis from Trent University spoke to the profound sharing, as she prepared to give her presentation. Beautiful, beautiful energy had begun the journey with its sacred beginning, with the sweat lodge, the […]

Making universities more welcoming for Aboriginal peoples (previously published in Skookum)
Indigenizing the Academy — Making universities more welcoming for Aboriginal peoples By Anne Russell on May 6, 2013 For anyone new to academia, there’s a bit of confusion and trepidation. Why do the professors wear those gowns at Convocation? How do you know when and where to apply for a scholarship? What’s a graduate […]

Senior Administrators on Governance: necessary to consult with Aboriginal advisors
Senior Administrators felt that it was necessary to consult with Aboriginal advisors to get started. It was considered important to have Learning Place for First Nations, which most institutions have, and First Nations programming included in the strategic plan. Programs needed to be created that acknowledge multiple nations. Administrators noted that many departments within the […]

UFV Caucus on Governance: Can we promote understanding through staff training and development?
Staff (Caucus) observed that it was very easy to underestimate the challenges involved, and wondered how to make the curriculum more balanced for aboriginal students, and if there were a way to incorporate and promote understanding through staff training and development. It was suggested that ceremonial activities, like sweats, were important to indigenization, as they […]

Indigenizers on Governance: Aboriginal hiring strategy to properly support students, create atmosphere of safety and trust
Indigenizers stressed, among other things, that First Nations should be hired throughout institutions, not just the First Nations studies department, and that institutions should report to aboriginal councils and that there be aboriginals and elders on the Board of Governors. It was felt that Indigenizing needed to be done by First Nations people to be […]