CHASI’s experts

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The CHASI team includes experts in a wide range of academic disciplines under our wide umbrella of community health and social innovation. Below you’ll find a listing of some of our knowledgeable researchers, their areas of expertise, and an email where you can reach them. Dr. Satwinder Bains Email: Expertise: Race, racism and ethnicity … Read more

Impact of COVID-19 on Post-Secondary Students: A Systematic Review of Institutional Reports

Screenshot of a digital infographic titled “Thematic Analysis”. The infographic shows stats on the reports compiled, coming from 58 schools, 170,616 students, 31 institutions, and 21 months. Categorical breakdowns show there is information included on health and wellness, academic achievement, student life, and faculty and university.

The British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT) has recently launched an interactive dashboard to share the results of a national study conducted by CHASI on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on post-secondary students. The analysis includes a repository of publicly available COVID-19 student impact reports, a cross-national literature review, thematic analysis of … Read more

Channeling Youth Voices documentary screened at Chilliwack’s Conversation on Children and Youth

Channeling Youth Voices — Reflection Series, a documentary short formed with video submissions from participants in a year-long participatory research collaboration between CHASI researchers and Chilliwack youth, was screened tonight to an engaged crowd at Chilliwack’s Conversation on Children and Youth, hosted by the Chilliwack Child and Youth Committee. Following the screening, a panel of … Read more

Dr. Karun Karki publishes work on student perceptions of Social Work roles

Headshot of Dr. Karun Karki

CHASI Faculty Associate Dr. Karun Karki is the co-author of an article published this week in the Journal of Social Work Education. MSW Students’ Perception of the Professional Identity of the Social Work Practitioner and the Social Work Researcher: Considerations for Educators explores how social work students conceptualize differences between social work practitioners and researchers, … Read more

Food (In)Security: An Assessment of Communal Factors Impacting Food Security in Chilliwack

Thumbnail cover page of CHASI report on Food Insecurity

Below is a report completed by CHASI in 2021 titled Food (In)Security: An Assessment of Communal Factors Impacting Food Security in Chilliwack. This report describes the results of an analysis of factors related to household food security in Chilliwack. Through an environmental scan and an asset and gap analysis, the CHASI has identified how the economic, … Read more

CHASI researcher unearths Canadian WWI internment history

Dr. Sarah Beaulieu examines an artefact

Over 100 years ago, Anne Sadelain’s father was imprisoned at a First World War internment camp in B.C.’s Monashee Mountains. Today, UFV’s CHASI research centre releases a documentary telling her story, and the story of an archaeologist uncovering the history of the Monashee camp. Dr. Sarah Beaulieu, a Community Health and Social Innovation hub Faculty … Read more

Surviving and Thriving in a COVID-19 Remote Learning Context: A Survey of Post-Secondary Students and Instructors in Ontario

Photo of a young person sitting at their open laptop, studying a book with a pen resting on their keyboard.

CHASI Faculty Associate Dr. Karun Karki recently completed a report on remote learning in Ontario during COVID-19, which was funded by eCampusOnatio, and has generously agreed to share the widely applicable findings with us. His co-authors for the report are Anna Markov, MSW; Rachel Yavnai, MSW; Ginette Lafrenière, MA, MSW, PhD; and Michael Woodford, MSW, … Read more

Report: UFV student experiences of COVID-19

Cover of report reading "UFV Student Experiences with Travel, Health and COVID-19"

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair Dr. Cindy Jardine, in partnership with CHASI and UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute, has released a report titled “UFV COVID-19 Student Experiences with Travel, Health, and COVID-19.” The report summarizes the responses given by nearly 1,500 UFV students who participated in a survey issued in April 2020, at the outset … Read more

New Report: The Utility of Physician Referred Outdoor Physical Activity for South Asian Women

The first page of a report titled "the utility of physician referred outdoor physical activity for South Asian women."

A new report by UFV’s Dr. Iris Lesser and Ms. Navdeep Rai, BKin, The Utility of Physician Referred Outdoor Physical Activity for South Asian Women, examines how outdoor group-based physical activity—recommended by a physician and carried out with other South Asian women—may be an opportunity to improve physical activity in a community that reports low … Read more