Banner showing a group of people sitting at a table and standing at a white board, actively having a discussion.

CHASI and Sustainable UFV presentation: Collaboration for pollination — growing partnerships

Photo of a group of people planting plants in the UFV pollinator garden.

CHASI lead researcher Chelsea Klassen joined Sustainable UFV’s Jennifer Martel and Karima Cherifi for a virtual presentation about UFV’s new pollinator garden at the University of Bergen Day Zero Sustainable Development Goals conference. Originally presented February 5, 2025, the presentation discussed how the Office of Sustainability at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, … Read more

CHASI researchers show new moms what a realistic return to movement can look like

Thumbnail photo of a mother sitting on an exercise mat outdoors, holding her baby upright and smiling.

CHASI Faculty Associate Dr. Iris Lesser and UFV student research assistant Megan Filiatrault have released a new report sharing their findings from an initial series of workshops aimed at engaging new mothers in physical activity and presenting a realistic look at what their return to movement may look like. The report, titled Postpartum Physical Activity … Read more

CHASIcast 17: Women’s Health and Physical Activity with Dr. Iris Lesser and Amber Johnston

Photo of Iris Lesser, Martha Dow, and AmberJohnson posing near podcast microphones, smiling for the camera. The graphic has text reading: "CHASIcast #17 - Women's Health and Physical Activity."

In our first CHASIcast of the year we welcome back Dr. Iris Lesser, who is joined by her Kinesiology colleague Amber Johnston, MSc, to discuss their unique course — KIN499: Women’s Health and Physical Activity. Through this course and their teaching, they aim to fill crucial gaps in understandings of women’s health, particularly around menopause … Read more

Swiftie Scholar conference at UFV explores Taylor Swift’s cultural impact

Three organizers of the Swiftie Scholar conference pose for a photo around a decoration in pastel colours with a large friendship bracelet banner. The friendship bracelet reads “Swiftie Scholar – UFV’s version.”

Swiftie Scholar, an academic conference hosted at UFV on December 5, applied an academic lens to the impact and influence of the mega-star Taylor Swift on the day before her three-night visit to Vancouver. With support from CHASI, the event brought speakers from around the world to share analysis of Swift’s cultural impact with UFV … Read more

CHASIcast 16: Career Month with CALL

Photo of Ava Hedblom, Linda Pardy, and Mayu Ochi posing near a podcast microphone and mixer, smiling for the camera. The graphic has text reading: "CHASIcast #16 - Career and Learning for Life consortium."

This special episode of the CHASIcast to close out National Career Month features guest host Dr. Linda Pardy from CHASI’s Career and Learning for Life Consortium, better known as CALL. Dr. Pardy is joined by students Mayu Ochi and Ava Hedblom to discuss, a new tool launched by CALL’s team to help future, current, … Read more

Your future career awaits you — Career Mapping is here to help!

Screenshot of the homepage of the Career Mapping website. Text shows young adult gathered around a computer, and text reads "find out where your liberal arts degree can take you." Beneath are search boxes for field of study and program area.

As part of CHASI’s celebration of National Career Month, we asked practicum student Ava Hedblom to share her experiences with Career Mapping, a new tool launched by our research cluster CALL, the Career and Learning for Life Consortium. Check back throughout November to see more Career Month posts! It is as simple as this: studying … Read more

“Feel Better” by Dr. Shahana Alibhai — book launch and author conversation

Image of the cover of Feel Better by Dr. Shahana Alibhai, MD. It shows a colourful unbrella protecting the word "better" and includes the subtitle "How understanding your emotional palette can keep you from getting swept away.

On Monday, October 28, join CHASI at 4:00 PM to celebrate Dr. Shahana Alibhai’s new book Feel Better, a roadmap to understanding emotions, their impacts on day-to-day life, and turning that knowledge in action for a better emotional state. All are welcome and refreshments will be served! You can learn more about Feel Better and … Read more

CHASI research shows VisionQuest program significantly reduces criminal recidivism

Cover of the report, including it's full title and an aerial photo of the VisionQuest facility

Researchers at UFV’s Community Health and Social Innovation (CHASI) Hub share their findings from a three-year follow-up study of recidivism among highly prolific offenders admitted to VisionQuest’s substance use treatment program in Logan Lake, B.C. The report, prepared by Dr. Darryl Plecas, Dr. Martha Dow, and Chelsea Klassen, MA, found that the program demonstrated capacity … Read more

CHASI artist reflects on environmental emergencies

Illustration showing a hand in close-up. The hand is holding what appears to be a mixture of an hour glass and a wine glass. There is a dark brownish-red liquid in the top, pouring down into the lower portion on top of unidentifiable creatures and a human skeleton. The person hold the glass has a ruby and gold encrusted cufflink, and is wearing a formal suit.

After a summer of climate emergencies, CHASI artist-in-residence Sharon Strauss was inspired to reflect on the state of our environment with these to pieces. “Endless Ocean” “Glass of Time” Sharon writes: “I fear for the animals, the Earth, the people. Just as much, I fear we have lived under the looming “point of no return” … Read more

UFV gathers in solidarity with Afghan women

Photo of members of the CHASI team standing together together holding protest signs, talking to one another as they wait for the speeches to begin.

On Thursday, August 15th, members of the UFV and Fraser Valley community gathered to commemorate three years since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. Women in Afghanistan have been banned from attending university since December 2022 and high school since September 2021. Now, girls older than Grade 3 are banned from attending to school. This event … Read more