Transforming Education into Community Impact and Research Excellence

Jenna Kerr, a recent graduate of the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Honours and a minor in Sociology, is making waves both academically and in her community. Her journey through UFV has been marked by an impressive blend of academic excellence, research innovation, and dedicated community service.

Jenna’s fascination with psychology began in high school and flourished throughout her university career. “Psychology was one of my favourite classes in high school, and mental health professional was one of the potential careers I had in mind when I started university,” she explains. This early interest guided her to UFV, where she would later find herself immersed in research and hands-on experiences that solidified her passion for the field.

At UFV, Jenna completed two practicums that deeply impacted her career trajectory. Her first practicum was as a Project Management and Community Engagement Assistant on a project focused on accessible tourism.

“This role involved a lot of correspondence with internal collaborators and community partners. It gave me a good sense of all the moving parts involved in research projects,” Jenna reflects.

Her second practicum as a Counselling Intern at the Chilliwack Youth Health Centre was equally transformative. Initially applying for a counselling support role, Jenna was invited to take on a counselling intern position.

“The internship allowed real-world application of skills that I had previously only applied in theory or through roleplay situations. I gained a lot of confidence in this role and improved my ability to problem-solve in the moment.”

Jenna’s academic journey reached new heights when she was invited to present at the 18th International Conference of Clinical Ethics and Consultation and the 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Bioethics Society. Her honours research, supervised by UFV Psychology Assistant Professor Dr. Carey DeMichelis, explored a private online community for Canadian women with fibromyalgia, focused on how these women legitimize and cope with a contested condition and the role that online community might play in those efforts.

“I was thrilled to have my abstract accepted for the joint conference and to be invited to give an oral presentation,” Jenna recounts. “This was my second experience giving an oral presentation at a conference, and my first time sharing my honours research in this format. My first time delivering an oral presentation was earlier this year at the annual Pacific Sociological Association conference in San Diego, where I presented about the work I did as a research assistant to Dr. Michael Corman at the end of my degree.”

Jenna Kerr during her recent presentation at the 18th International Conference of Clinical Ethics and Consultation in Montreal.

Dr. DeMichelis speaks highly of Jenna’s work:

“Jenna conducted this research with the highest ethical standards. Her methodology was carefully constructed and skillfully executed. In her writing and presentations, Jenna has developed a clear and compelling ethnographic voice, weaving together her own narrative observations with evocative insights from interview participants and group members.”

Looking ahead, Jenna plans to apply for graduate programs in Counselling and Clinical Psychology. She also aims to stay involved in research, hoping to leverage both research and practical insights to encourage structural change in care systems.

For students considering a similar path, Jenna offers valuable advice:

“Reflect on what it is you enjoy about psychology, and what you would like to be doing once you’re working. Practicum experience isn’t a requirement for a major in Psychology, but the experience is incredibly helpful in putting learning into practice and getting exposed to career areas of interest.”

Making connections and finding new career paths

Anu Sharma is a curious mind who loves learning new hobbies and discovering new shows.

“As a kid, I would always stumble into anything and everything. I haven’t grown out of that phase yet. We are here to wander through other people’s stories, searching for our own.”

Anu’s path to a Media Arts degree at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) was influenced by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The blend of research opportunities and hands-on learning appealed to Anu, who saw this program as a way to further develop their career.

“I had just finished my trades certificate in 3D drafting when COVID hit. I found myself researching the program and saw how many fields interested me. The Media Arts program has several concentrations, and the Applied Interactive core requirements had promising electives and classes to choose from,” Anu explains.

Recently, Anu completed a successful practicum with the Chilliwack Cultural Centre, an experience that proved both challenging and rewarding.

From left to right: Theresia Pio (Festival Production Manager), Beatrice Frenette (Festival Artistic Director), and Anu Sharma (Festival Marketing Manager).

“I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to use my current skillset in a project designed for students showcasing their art. There was familiarity and hope in creating something that I would want to participate in,” Anu says. Working as part of a great team emphasized the importance of constant communication. “Planning between students was easy, but we relied a lot on different individuals and groups to make this festival work. As someone who wants to be part of successful projects, even when trying something entirely new, sticking to basics will help in the long run.”

The project presented significant challenges, especially in terms of vision and patience. Adaptability became a crucial constant, with the team weighing the pros and cons of each new campaign. Thanks to the efforts of the students, sponsors, and staff at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre, they produced a great experience for everyone involved.

“We had to craft a festival without knowing who or what was being featured. The core idea was to include all the diverse art that students have to offer. We cast a wide net out to our community and had to work fast to tie in loose ends,” Anu recalls.

Looking ahead, Anu is eager to be part of an engaging team in the arts division.

“Thankfully, I’ve gained experience in both marketing coordination and visual communication to seek out other fun opportunities. In the future, I plan on advancing my education and perhaps pursuing a master’s in my desired field. I know whichever way I turn to, I will be able to give it my all.”

Anu’s advice to future students is to embrace the connections they make while learning.

“You have the benefit of knowing your peers and instructors while you learn. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. I learned the hard way that fear can get in the way of a lot of personal growth, someone once told me to turn that fear into excitement. Your projects are a statement of how much you’ve grown. If you plan on getting into Media Arts, be open to new learning experiences and tons of new people! It is very motivating being immersed in an environment that wants you to be creative and functional career-wise.”

Béatrice Frenette: From Stage Dreams to Teaching Aspirations

Béatrice Frenette, who graduates this summer from the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), has already achieved significant milestones. She is the first in her immediate family to attend and complete a university degree, earning a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communications and a minor in Theatre, along with two certificates.

“I would describe myself as dedicated and organized to learning and growing my craft,” Béatrice says, reflecting on her journey.

Béatrice’s love for theatre has been a constant throughout her life. Pairing her passion for theatre with a degree in Communications, Béatrice found a perfect balance that allowed her to explore various career paths.

“I have always had a love for theatre growing up and I knew that it was something that I wanted to pursue, whether it be on or off stage and behind the scenes. (…) A Communications [degree] opens the door to a lot of different job opportunities such as marketing, managing, research, and office job opportunities. The theatrical aspect of my degree allows me to be more open and creative with my future, which is something that I appreciate.

Her recent practicum with the Chilliwack Cultural Centre and the School of Creative Arts has been a game-changer experience.

“This practicum working with the Chilliwack Cultural Centre and the School of Creative Arts has been such a challenging and rewarding journey.”

Starting in January 2024, she and her classmates spent several months organizing the TakeOver Festival, with Béatrice taking on the role of Artistic Director. Her responsibilities included coordinating communication, scheduling meetings, soliciting donations, and shaping the festival’s vision. The theme they chose was the promotion of diverse art and harmony, and Béatrice meticulously selected student plays, short films, and art pieces to feature at the event.

As with most things in life, this practicum experience also presented its challenges.

“The biggest challenge I faced along the way was the separation between work and personal time. I felt like this practicum devoured a lot of my mind for the past several months and it definitely affected my mental capacity,” Béatrice admits. She learned the importance of trusting her team, which included Anu Sharma, the Marketing Manager and Planner, and Theresia Tio, the Production Manager. “Without my trust and faith in my team to help me get things done, the festival wouldn’t have been possible! I’ve learned that you can’t always do everything.”

Through this experience, Béatrice also gained insights into the complexities of marketing.

“Making sure everything was advertised at an appropriate time proved to be difficult due to our time constraints and communication with various department heads and individuals. In the end, everything ran smoothly!”

Looking ahead, Béatrice has her sights set on a career in education. She remains passionate about theatre and envisions a future where she can work backstage or as a theatre teacher, leading others and sharing her passion.

“Moving forward I hope to apply to the teaching program at UFV and/or UBCO. I would love to pursue getting an education degree so that I may one day work with kids and teach.”

Béatrice’s advice to future students is to embrace every opportunity.

“My biggest advice would be to always say yes to any possible opportunity that is given to you. You never know where the opportunity might lead you. Especially when it comes to working in the theatre industry, it can be very competitive and sparse. So, if there is an opportunity that comes your way, it’s a great chance for you to build your resume, make connections, gain experience, and find out what your career goals are.”

Exploring Future Careers in the Entertainment Industry

At 23, Theresia has already accomplished more than many do in a lifetime. Moving from Indonesia to Canada in May 2021, she started her journey at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), where she is currently pursuing a double minor in Creative Writing and Media and Communications.

Theresia’s passion for storytelling began early, leading her to graduate from Vancouver Film School (VFS) with a diploma in Writing for Television, Film, and Games. Her drive to continue honing her craft brought her to UFV to continue writing her career path.

“I wanted to continue my writing journey, and one of the universities that offers a writing program is the University of the Fraser Valley,” Theresia explained.

Recently, Theresia faced one of her biggest challenges yet: managing a successful festival. The event was the result of two and a half months of intense work and planning, peaking in May with a level of stress she hadn’t anticipated. Despite the pressure, she found joy in the process.

“I am so delighted that the festival was a success. It had been two and a half months of pressure to get everything right,” she said.

From left to right: Jean-Louis Bleau (Executive Director of the Chilliwack Cultural Centre), Anu Sharma (TakeOver Festival Marketing Manager), Theresia Tio (TakeOver Festival Production Manager), and Beatrice Frenette (TakeOver Festival Artistic Director).

Managing the festival was a few budget constraints and a limited team was a challenge, she admits.

“With no budget, there are certain limits that none of the art festivals in UFV, like Interpret Festival, experienced.”

She had to be resourceful, finding donations for essentials like water and snacks for the participants and even securing free uniforms through a connection at a shirt design factory. Her attention to detail proved both a strength and a challenge, as she learned to adapt to different working styles within her team.

Theresia’s hard work paid off, and she discovered new avenues for her future career. Initially focused solely on writing for the film industry, she now sees the potential in working for art festivals, music festivals, and even production companies.

“If I am going to work in the entertainment industry, I need to be a writer. Through this journey, I realized that I may enter the industry through festivals; film festivals, art festivals, or even working in a production company.”

Looking ahead, Theresia hopes to work for a company that organizes various festivals or a production house managing television series. While she remains committed to her dream of becoming a scriptwriter, she is excited about the broader opportunities now within her reach.

For future students considering a similar practicum, Theresia has valuable advice:

“Do it wholeheartedly. It will be hard work, but everything will pay off nicely when you can watch the guests having fun, laughing, and enjoying the show, as well as the participants who will share their passion with happiness.”

Overcoming barriers, building resilience, and challenging biases: A practicum experience beyond the books

Kayla Morin is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English concurrently with a Library Technician Diploma at UFV. Having a passion for making a positive difference through her love of literature, Kayla has been working for the Fraser Valley Regional Library system for the past four years, bringing joy and knowledge to diverse communities across the region.

Kayla began her journey at UFV in 2017 with the goal of becoming a middle/secondary school English and Info Tech teacher. However, chronic health issues forced her to reconsider this path. Determined not to abandon her progress, she found a new direction that perfectly aligned with her interests: the Library Technician Diploma program. This discovery allowed her to pursue her passion for libraries, which had always been a safe space for her growing up, while also enrolled in the BA program.

Kayla’s academic journey took an unexpected turn when she secured a practicum with the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). Initially applying to be a tutor for inmates, her resume caught the eye of the Education Director, who was impressed by her library experience and thought it would be useful to acquaint her with their library system. This led to a unique practicum opportunity as a library assistant at the Pacific Institution, under the guidance of librarian Dan Vitaly.

“I honestly didn’t even know correctional institutions had libraries,” Kayla admits. “I was thrilled to experience a unique library workplace I would not be able to witness elsewhere.”

Her role involved participating in various activities, from attending staff training workshops on suicide and self-injury intervention to participating in smudging ceremonies led by local Elders with Indigenous inmates. These experiences not only deepened her understanding of corrections but also allowed her to apply classroom concepts in real-world scenarios.

One of the biggest challenges Kayla faced was adapting her understanding of library work to an institutional environment. Unlike the public library system that she was used to, working in a correctional facility required balancing numerous high-priority tasks simultaneously.

“I really came to understand the true difficulty of constantly having to balance between so many different things that all need to get done. (…) Observing how my supervisor managed his time and priorities was an invaluable lesson in problem-solving and adaptability.”

Kayla’s practicum also challenged her preconceptions about the justice system. She was encouraged to learn about some of the ways correctional services, particularly in the Pacific Region, provide different forms of rehabilitation and support for Indigenous offenders.

I was especially encouraged to witness some of these programs myself at Pacific Institution, such as the Lalem Xeyíyá:qt Healing Unit and the Huli Tun Healing Lodge.  It was so incredible to see all the efforts at Pacific to support Indigenous inmates, providing the space and freedom to facilitate healing and rehabilitation that follows the Sacred Teachings and allows inmates to reconnect with their culture, ancestry, and teachings. These efforts of decolonization and reconciliation in a highly restrictive government facility was amazing to witness firsthand. I was very grateful to have the opportunity to attend several morning smudging ceremonies (also called ‘morning prayer’ or ‘morning circle’) during my practicum alongside fellow CSC staff members, Elders, and Indigenous inmates at Lalem Xeyíyá: qt. I hope to make use of the knowledge I received to support further decolonization of the Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island. There is still of course so much to be done, but I was so impressed that a lot of the resources provided at the institution were more accurate, culturally appropriate and up-to-date than the limited amount of resources available to the general public.

Kayla’s supervisor, Dan Vitaly, was equally impressed by her performance.

“Kayla provided library services to a diverse inmate population, including regular inmates at medium and maximum-security levels, as well as specific units for the mentally ill, geriatric inmates, and hospitalized inmates”, Dan writes. “She enthusiastically undertook the extensive project of creating a visual catalogue of audiobooks using her computer and design expertise, which will be especially useful in engaging the large portion of the inmate population who are illiterate.”

Dan praised Kayla’s strong work ethic, professional competence, and excellent rapport with both inmate patrons and CSC staff, concluding, “I have no hesitation recommending her for any endeavour she chooses to pursue.”

This practicum experience has significantly influenced her career aspirations.

“Prior to starting the practicum, I had not considered working in an institutional library as a future career option. This changed in an instant after my very first day,” Kayla says.

As she continues her studies, Kayla is excited about the future possibilities her education has opened for her. She advises fellow students to seize opportunities like practicums to explore potential career paths and gain practical experience.

“My advice to future students is to make the most of opportunities like practicum placements to get a glimpse of what a career you’ve been considering is really like”, she says. “Continually ask yourself why you are pursuing the field of study you’ve chosen and why you are considering certain future careers for yourself.”

A life changing experience as a Psychology student | Bethany Parkinson

Imagine stepping into a correctional facility for the first time—what do you anticipate? Most people imagine a tough, intimidating place. For Bethany Parkinson, this experience was life-changing, but not in the way you might expect.

Originally from Northern BC, Bethany’s interest in psychology started in high school when personal circumstances led to her passion for mental health issues. “I’ve always wanted to join the mental health field,” she says. As she works towards completing her degree, her career goal is clear: to counsel and assess inmates in Canadian correctional facilities.

For Bethany, the unique practicum designed for Liberal Arts students at the Correctional Service of Canada was transformative.

“This experience was life-changing,” she shares. “Not in a way that changed my career path, but in a way that confirmed my plans and goals were possible.”

In addition to confirming her career goals, Bethany also shared how this experience allowed her to reshape her perspectives about inmates and helped her gain the necessary skills to pursue this career:

Working in the correctional system is not for the faint of heart, and entering a prison is a great way to see where one stands on the faint-of-heart scale. This practicum gave me that chance; that is why I chose it. The experience taught me many new skills, my favourite being the ability to engage in nonjudgmental and supportive talk with the inmates. When talking to an inmate, I had to keep in mind that they are there for a reason, however, they are still a person and deserve to be respected as such.

Bethany faced several challenges during her practicum, such as overcoming her preconceived notions about prison life and managing her emotional reactions to inmates’ crimes. With the support of her mentors, she found a safe space to express her feelings and ask questions.

The biggest challenges I faced were overcoming my expectations and my emotional responses. My expectations were a challenge in that I was prepared for the rough, loud, and scary place that the media portrays prisons to be – this portrayal could not be more wrong. As for my emotional reactions, those became an issue when I heard about certain crimes that people had committed to get into prison – some affected me more than others. I do feel as though my mentors helped me with both issues as I felt comfortable asking questions and expressing my feelings in the psychologically safe environment they created.

Looking ahead, Bethany plans to complete her BA in Psychology with Honours, pursue a master’s in clinical psychology with a forensic focus, and ultimately complete a PhD while working within Canadian correctional services.

To future students, Bethany offers some powerful advice:

Focus on the person, not their situation. When placed in positions of authority, people tend to forget that those who are under them are just as human as they are, and when people are in a situation where the other person is a prisoner, they tend to immediately assume they are superior because they are free, and the other person is not. In this area, that kind of thinking could be detrimental to the healing and rehabilitation of the person they are trying to help.

It’s safe to say that this 21-year-old is well on her way toward realizing her future aspirations!

Bridging Psychology & Criminal Justice: Logan York’s Practicum with Correctional Service of Canada

Logan York is a recent BA graduate in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice. Originally from Red Deer, Alberta, Logan found his way to British Columbia, where he has lived most of his life and began shaping his career aspirations.

Logan’s fascination with psychology grew from a lifelong curiosity about human behaviour, particularly in understanding criminal behaviour.

I’ve always had a fascination for psychology. More than that, I’ve always been interested in why people behave or act in certain ways. (…) I have always wanted to know why criminals commit serious crimes. Crimes that ordinary people would find unfathomable. These curiosities are the foundation of why I chose a BA in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice.”

Envisioning a career working with individuals who end up in the judicial system, Logan’s academic journey took an exciting turn when he secured a practicum placement with the Correctional Service of Canada. During his semester-long placement, Logan had the opportunity to visit various correctional facilities throughout the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley, spanning from minimum to maximum security. Immersed in diverse environments, he gained a deeper understanding of each facility’s dynamics and worked closely with a wide range of working professionals. Stepping into the high-security environment of a prison was an impactful moment for him as it offered firsthand insight into the complexities of the correctional system.

Nonetheless, the journey presented its own set of obstacles. Logan found himself navigating the delicate balance of establishing boundaries within the confines of the prison walls. “Ensuring that I set appropriate boundaries between myself, and the inmates was a significant challenge,” he admits. Yet, through perseverance and determination, he learned the importance of maintaining both spatial and personal boundaries, a valuable lesson that shaped his experience.

Reflecting on his practicum experience within the correctional system, Logan remains inspired by the multitude of career opportunities it offers. “My practicum opened my eyes to the plethora of positions within Correctional Service Canada that I did not know existed,” he shares. As he thinks about his next steps, Logan’s career path remains open-ended, with a keen interest in working with offenders either within the Correctional Service of Canada or in the broader community.

For future students embarking on a similar journey, Logan offers some wise advice:

“If you have interests, explore them. You do not need to wait until you have chosen a career before exploring these interests. I would also recommend completing a practicum during your undergraduate degree as this was a defining moment for me during my time at UFV.”

Connecting leadership, advocacy and purpose: student experience with Ashley McDougall

Leadership, advocacy and purpose

We can all agree that connecting passion and purpose may not always be an easy task, especially when discussing academic life and career goals. But what if, as a student, you had the opportunity to experience a seamless blend of the two?

Meet Ashley McDougall, a Bachelor of Arts student and the president of the UFV Student Union Society (SUS). With a passion for advocacy and governance, Ashley’s journey exemplifies the deep impact that student leadership can have on campus and beyond.

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Ashley McDougall's portrait.I am a student in the Bachelor of Arts program with a major in Economics and a minor in Political Science. I have also completed a certificate in Advanced French Proficiency alongside my degree. Over the past 2 years, I have been involved in student leadership as the former Vice President External and current President of the Student Union Society (SUS). I have a passion for advocacy and governance; I am honoured to have the privilege to use this passion to help fellow students in my work at SUS.

  1. What motivated you to choose this field of study?

I chose to study Economics and Political Science because they are the subjects I am most passionate about and they fit in perfectly with my goals and career interests. I’m interested in working with economic policy in the future and I feel my studies in these fields have given me a vast background of knowledge that I will be able to draw on as I pursue a career in policy work.

  1. Congratulations on being invited to the UN Peace Summit in Bangkok, Thailand this year! This is such a great achievement! Can you tell us about this experience and what you shared and/or learned as a UFV ambassador?

The UN Peace Summit in Bangkok Thailand was an experience of a lifetime! I am so honoured to have been able to represent UFV at the summit. It was an incredible opportunity to learn from keynote speakers about peace-building strategies and hear first-hand accounts of resilience and strength from survivors of genocide. As well, I was able to form connections with other student leaders from around the world. I’m grateful to have contributed to and learned from such important dialogues on global peace.

Ashley McDougall in front of a blue panel that reads "Humanitarian Affairs Asia presents: 3rd Global Peace Summit 2024 - A world together." Ashley is smiling, standing and wearing a black suit.
Ashley McDougall at the 3rd Global Peace Summit 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand.
  1. You have also participated in other student organizations on campus. Can you share about your experience? What were the biggest challenges you faced, and what did you learn?

Outside of my studies, I have been very involved on campus with Clubs and Associations and SUS. I am the former Vice President External and current President of SUS. I am also the former President of the Political Science Student Association and current President of the newly-founded Economics Student Association. My experiences in these leadership positions, particularly with SUS, have allowed me to build community and engagement on campus and advocate for fellow students. In my roles at SUS, I was able to successfully advocate to UFV for the first Fall reading break, which began in Fall 2023. I was also able to contribute to hosting several events on campus, like Kickback, and initiated a new event at the Chilliwack campus, Backyard Bash! One of the biggest challenges I have faced is time management and mitigating burnout, which has taught me the importance of balance.

  1. How do you feel about completing your degree? If you could go back in time, is there anything you would have done differently?

I’m really excited to be nearing the completion of my degree! If I could go back in time, I would have gotten involved at UFV sooner.

  1. What are your career plans moving forward?

I’m really interested in using my knowledge gained in Economics and Political Science in governance and policy work, specifically relating to economic policy. My goal is to hold a political office one day in the hope of being able to create policy that makes a positive difference.

  1. What advice would you give to future students interested in your area of study?

Take risks and get involved! Gaining experience during your degree is one of the best ways to figure out what you want to do with your career and to build up your professional experience while still in school. Especially for students studying Economics or Political Science, running in SUS elections gives you practical experience with democratic processes, governance, policy and advocacy work.

Cultivate Connect – A link between practicum, research, and the Fraser Valley farm-to-market supply

When students first hear about practicums, some may think these opportunities will not help them pursue a career that uses their research skills. This project proves this wrong.

Back in May 2020, Joshua Vanderheide, founder of Field House Brewing, East Abby Hospitality Group, and UFV Graphic and Digital Design sessional instructor, approached the College of Arts, expressing a need for a survey project on the impact of COVID-19 on local food systems. With enthusiasm for the project from English Assistant Professor Dr. Michelle Superle, the project was created.  With Meagan Pitcher as the practicum student co-researcher, they formed the project.

Along with Dr. Superle and Meagan, the project further extended collaborative student opportunities with the School of Land Use and Environmental Change. Associate Professor Dr. Cherie Enns was instrumental in connecting two recent UFV graduates as research assistants (Gemma Bridgefoot and Sharon Alamwala). All the parts involved gained exceptional and extensive knowledge of multiple factors related to food systems.

This amazing experience connected College of Arts students and faculty with the Fraser Valley agricultural community/industries. As a result, the students collaborated with a variety of local stakeholders, gained extensive knowledge about the impact of research, and moved their learning beyond the classroom.

Click here to read the full report about the Cultivate Connect project.

2021 Arts Worx Internship Professionalism Awards – Recognizing and celebrating the outstanding work of College of Arts students during their internships.

From left to right: Maaria Zafar, Holly Janzen, Jaimee Fournier, Arsalan Sadiq and Harla Sidhu.
From left to right: Maaria Zafar, Holly Janzen, Jaimee Fournier, Arsalan Sadiq and Harla Sidhu.

Our success as an institution depends not only on our ability to deliver high-quality instruction for students but also on creating opportunities to connect their learning beyond the classroom and align it to their future post-university goals.

In recognition of promoting professionalism within our community and demonstrating integrity, openness, and dedication, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2021 Arts Worx Internship Professionalism Awards:

  • Lorisa Williams (no photo) – History Major, Indigenous Studies Minor
  • Arsalan Sadiq – Media Arts
  • Holly Janzen- GDS major
  • Jaimee Fournier – English Major, History Minor
  • Harlajvanti Sidhu– Criminology Major, Communications Minor
  • Maaria Zafar – Criminology Major, Communications Minor

Congratulations to these amazing students. On behalf of the College of Arts and our community partners, we would like to thank you for all your hard work and dedication during your internship.  Keep rising and remember—the sky is (not) the limit!  You got this!