Bridging Psychology & Criminal Justice: Logan York’s Practicum with Correctional Service of Canada

Logan York is a recent BA graduate in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice. Originally from Red Deer, Alberta, Logan found his way to British Columbia, where he has lived most of his life and began shaping his career aspirations.

Logan’s fascination with psychology grew from a lifelong curiosity about human behaviour, particularly in understanding criminal behaviour.

I’ve always had a fascination for psychology. More than that, I’ve always been interested in why people behave or act in certain ways. (…) I have always wanted to know why criminals commit serious crimes. Crimes that ordinary people would find unfathomable. These curiosities are the foundation of why I chose a BA in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice.”

Envisioning a career working with individuals who end up in the judicial system, Logan’s academic journey took an exciting turn when he secured a practicum placement with the Correctional Service of Canada. During his semester-long placement, Logan had the opportunity to visit various correctional facilities throughout the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley, spanning from minimum to maximum security. Immersed in diverse environments, he gained a deeper understanding of each facility’s dynamics and worked closely with a wide range of working professionals. Stepping into the high-security environment of a prison was an impactful moment for him as it offered firsthand insight into the complexities of the correctional system.

Nonetheless, the journey presented its own set of obstacles. Logan found himself navigating the delicate balance of establishing boundaries within the confines of the prison walls. “Ensuring that I set appropriate boundaries between myself, and the inmates was a significant challenge,” he admits. Yet, through perseverance and determination, he learned the importance of maintaining both spatial and personal boundaries, a valuable lesson that shaped his experience.

Reflecting on his practicum experience within the correctional system, Logan remains inspired by the multitude of career opportunities it offers. “My practicum opened my eyes to the plethora of positions within Correctional Service Canada that I did not know existed,” he shares. As he thinks about his next steps, Logan’s career path remains open-ended, with a keen interest in working with offenders either within the Correctional Service of Canada or in the broader community.

For future students embarking on a similar journey, Logan offers some wise advice:

“If you have interests, explore them. You do not need to wait until you have chosen a career before exploring these interests. I would also recommend completing a practicum during your undergraduate degree as this was a defining moment for me during my time at UFV.”

Talk the talk, walk the walk: A lifelong commitment to Human Rights and International Law

In November 2023, Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Mark Kersten was invited to speak to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development about Canada’s approach to diplomacy, particularly its inconsistent commitment to international law. As an expert witness, he testified about his hope that Canada could be a leader in human rights and concerns over Canada’s double standards in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes – war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide – both abroad and in Canada. Mark was also asked to submit a written brief to the Standing Committee, which is now part of the House of Commons official record.

As a human rights practitioner and professor, Mark emphasizes the importance of serving as a role model for students and demonstrating that a commitment to human rights extends beyond the classroom.

It is important to me that my students know that I don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk. A genuine commitment to human rights and international justice can’t end when the bell rings at the end of class or when it’s time to go home after work. It truly is a life commitment. By sharing with my students, the that work I do outside the university, I hope to leave them with the impression that human rights matter not simply as an intellectual project, but in everyday life, and to the most powerful political actors in the country. I also hope this work leaves my students with the impression that human rights and international law and justice matter, not some of the time, but all of the time.

When asked about the lessons and insights he gained from serving as an expert witness, Mark highlights the misconception that human rights are something distant from daily life.

Sometimes people think human rights and a commitment to international law is something that happens ‘elsewhere,’ away from day-to-day life. That’s the farthest thing from the truth! Many people, including students and professors, enjoy the lives they have precisely because of hard-fought gains in the field of human rights, whi

ch have often come at immense sacrifice. Like the famed lawyer Bryan Stevenson says, I want aspiring professionals to know that the measure of our character is how we treat the most marginalized and vulnerable people in our communities and in our world. A dedication to improving the human rights and access to justice for those whose rights are most fragile and least respected can and does improve all of our rights.

Reflecting on his experiences as both an expert witness and a professor, and the legacy he hopes to leave in shaping the next generation of leaders and influencers, Mark underscores the importance of showing people that human rights and international laws matter.

I hope that I’m nowhere near the point of reflecting on my legacy quite yet! But in my work, I do hope to leave the impression that human rights and international law matter. They are relevant in our neighbourhoods and communities. They are relevant across Canada and around the world. Our shared humanity depends on adherence to the basic standards of human rights law and decency, and we can’t be too privileged or too distracted to forget that or take it for granted.

April News | Faculty Projects and Publications | UFV College of Arts

April News at the College of Arts

Check out what our faculty at the College of Arts have been up to this April!

From exciting projects to new publications, read more about their work and connect us to learn more about the College of Arts.

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Criminology and Criminal Justice



  • Dr. Anna Cook, Assistant Professor and Head of the Philosophy Department, has contributed a chapter to “The Bloomsbury Handbook of Pragmatism.” Her chapter, titled “Pragmatism and Indigenous Philosophy,” is a part of Part IV of the book which focuses on Pragmatism in the Multicultural World.

Political Science

  • Political Science Assistant Professor Dr. Simon Lambek has published a research article in the Canadian Journal of Political Science. Lambek S. The Constitutive Power of Public Debate. Canadian Journal of Political Science. 2024;57(1):156-173. doi:10.1017/S000842392300077X


Connecting leadership, advocacy and purpose: student experience with Ashley McDougall

Leadership, advocacy and purpose

We can all agree that connecting passion and purpose may not always be an easy task, especially when discussing academic life and career goals. But what if, as a student, you had the opportunity to experience a seamless blend of the two?

Meet Ashley McDougall, a Bachelor of Arts student and the president of the UFV Student Union Society (SUS). With a passion for advocacy and governance, Ashley’s journey exemplifies the deep impact that student leadership can have on campus and beyond.

  1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Ashley McDougall's portrait.I am a student in the Bachelor of Arts program with a major in Economics and a minor in Political Science. I have also completed a certificate in Advanced French Proficiency alongside my degree. Over the past 2 years, I have been involved in student leadership as the former Vice President External and current President of the Student Union Society (SUS). I have a passion for advocacy and governance; I am honoured to have the privilege to use this passion to help fellow students in my work at SUS.

  1. What motivated you to choose this field of study?

I chose to study Economics and Political Science because they are the subjects I am most passionate about and they fit in perfectly with my goals and career interests. I’m interested in working with economic policy in the future and I feel my studies in these fields have given me a vast background of knowledge that I will be able to draw on as I pursue a career in policy work.

  1. Congratulations on being invited to the UN Peace Summit in Bangkok, Thailand this year! This is such a great achievement! Can you tell us about this experience and what you shared and/or learned as a UFV ambassador?

The UN Peace Summit in Bangkok Thailand was an experience of a lifetime! I am so honoured to have been able to represent UFV at the summit. It was an incredible opportunity to learn from keynote speakers about peace-building strategies and hear first-hand accounts of resilience and strength from survivors of genocide. As well, I was able to form connections with other student leaders from around the world. I’m grateful to have contributed to and learned from such important dialogues on global peace.

Ashley McDougall in front of a blue panel that reads "Humanitarian Affairs Asia presents: 3rd Global Peace Summit 2024 - A world together." Ashley is smiling, standing and wearing a black suit.
Ashley McDougall at the 3rd Global Peace Summit 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand.
  1. You have also participated in other student organizations on campus. Can you share about your experience? What were the biggest challenges you faced, and what did you learn?

Outside of my studies, I have been very involved on campus with Clubs and Associations and SUS. I am the former Vice President External and current President of SUS. I am also the former President of the Political Science Student Association and current President of the newly-founded Economics Student Association. My experiences in these leadership positions, particularly with SUS, have allowed me to build community and engagement on campus and advocate for fellow students. In my roles at SUS, I was able to successfully advocate to UFV for the first Fall reading break, which began in Fall 2023. I was also able to contribute to hosting several events on campus, like Kickback, and initiated a new event at the Chilliwack campus, Backyard Bash! One of the biggest challenges I have faced is time management and mitigating burnout, which has taught me the importance of balance.

  1. How do you feel about completing your degree? If you could go back in time, is there anything you would have done differently?

I’m really excited to be nearing the completion of my degree! If I could go back in time, I would have gotten involved at UFV sooner.

  1. What are your career plans moving forward?

I’m really interested in using my knowledge gained in Economics and Political Science in governance and policy work, specifically relating to economic policy. My goal is to hold a political office one day in the hope of being able to create policy that makes a positive difference.

  1. What advice would you give to future students interested in your area of study?

Take risks and get involved! Gaining experience during your degree is one of the best ways to figure out what you want to do with your career and to build up your professional experience while still in school. Especially for students studying Economics or Political Science, running in SUS elections gives you practical experience with democratic processes, governance, policy and advocacy work.

Faculty Projects | March 2024

Criminology & Criminal Justice

  • Criminology Associate Professors Dr. Irwin Cohen and Dr. Amanda McCormick wrote a report on the use of restorative justice in power-based crimes. Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., McCormick, A.V., De Jager, T., Davies, G., & Dawson, S. (2024). The Effects of Police Pre-Charge Restorative Justice on Future Criminal Involvement and the Use of Restorative Justice in Cases Related to Power-Based Crimes. Report for Public Safety Solicitor General. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.
  • Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Jon Heidt co-authored a book on cannabis control. Heidt, J., & Wheeldon, J. (2023). Visions of Cannabis Control. Oxford University Press.
  • Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Mark Kersten submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development on the role of Canada in investigating and prosecuting international crimes and violations of human rights law.
    • Kersten was also interviewed by CBC News and The Breach Show on January 26 about the recent International Court of Justice decision.
    • He also contributed to the Toronto Star on the recent issue before the International Court of Justice.
  • Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Carlos Ponce was interviewed by SBS on the role of the state of emergency in El Salvador and its impact on the upcoming presidential and legislative elections.
    • Dr. Ponce was also interviewed by about the secret negotiations between public officials and gang leaders in El Salvador and their potential effects on the elections.


Political Science

  • Political Science Assistant Professor Dr. Simon Lambek published an article: Simon Lambek, “The Constitutive Power of Public Debate”, Canadian Journal of Political Science. 57, no.1 (2024), doi:10.1017/S000842392300077X


  • Psychology Assistant Professor Dr. Kristina Gicas published a research article: Differential sensitivity of intraindividual variability dispersion and global cognition in the prediction of functional outcomes and mortality in precariously housed and homeless adults. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-24. 5 Mar. 2024.
    • Dr. Gicas also co-authored an article: Tang, V. M., Zawertailo, L., Selby, P., Zangen, A., Mehta, D., George, T.P., Le Foll, B., Gicas, K. M., Sloan, M.E., Veldhuizen, S. (2024). Identifying clinical predictors of response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for smoking cessation: Secondary analysis of a multicenter RCT. Brain Stimulation, 17(1), 137-139. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2024.01.008

School of Communication

  • School of Communication Associate Professor Dr. Jeffrey Orr co-edited a collection that explores the Canada-US border through a variety of theoretical, cultural, and literary approaches and aims to contextualize cultures and communities within a wider global understanding of border thinking.

School of Creative Arts

  • From The University of Toronto Press (UTP) the Summer 2023 issue of The Canadian Theatre Review (Vol. 195) is on Performance and Pathography. Combining the words ‘pathology’ and ‘biography,’ pathographies are illness narratives that explore the intersections of health, identity, and storytelling. Edited by Visual Arts faculty Dr. Candace Couse and former SoCA school director and current Dean of Fine Arts, University of Lethbridge, Dr. Heather Davis-Fisch, the issue unites several scholars across Canada. Contributors to this issue take up poetry, visual arts, dance, theory, performance, comedy, scriptwriting and more to explore valuable perspectives on coping mechanisms, resilience, and the human experience in the face of adversity.


Faculty Publications & Projects | January 2024

Criminology and Criminal Justice

  • Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Jon Heidt co-authored a publication on cannabis and international criminology. Wheeldon, J., & Heidt, J. (in press). Cannabis and international criminology: Tolerance, aversion, and legal technical assistance. Crime, Law, and Social Change.
  • Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Carlos Ponce was interviewed on December 9, 2023, by News Talk 980 CKNW to discuss the increase in extortion cases in BC. The interview highlighted current trends and patterns in extortion, different types of extortion, and its potential impact on our community.
  • Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Hayli Millar’s chapter on prosecuting trafficking in persons offences is available through Fernwood Publishing. O’Doherty, T., & Millar, H. (in press). Prosecuting Trafficking in Persons Offences: Problems and Pitfalls in the Post-PCEPA Era. In K. Roots, A. De Shalit, & E. van der Meulen (eds.), Trafficking Harms: Critical Politics, Perspectives and Experiences.
  • Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Amanda McCormick presented a webinar for the Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse (RESOLVE) Network on the topic “Enhancing System Responses to Survivors and Perpetrators of Strangulation in Intimate Partner Violence.”
    • Dr. McCormick also conducted another webinar Associate for the Connect Centre for Research on Violence and Harm at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK. McCormick, A. (2023, November 8). Recognizing and Responding to Strangulation and Brain Injury Among Victims/Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.
    • She also presented “Coercive Control in Intimate Partner Relationships” at the Abbotsford ACCESS Agency Awareness and Connection Breakfast as part of the Purple Lights Nights theme on intimate partner violence.
    • Additionally, she spoke at the Be Safe, Be Well community event in Abbotsford on October 18, 2023.
  • The following Criminology professors presented papers at the latest American Society of Criminology Conference held in Philadelphia, PA:
    • Associate Professor Dr. Amanda McCormick: McCormick, A. (2023, November). Police Responses to Intimate Partner Violence with Indigenous Populations. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18, 2023.
    • Associate Professor Dr. Carlos Ponce: Ponce, C. (2023, November). #PunitivePopulism: An Examination of Retweet Networks That Promote Criminal Justice Abuses in El Salvador. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18, 2023.
    • Associate Professor Dr. Jon Heidt: Heidt, J., & Wheeldon, J. (2023, November). Cannabis Research: Criminology, Ethics, and Evidence. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18, 2023.
    • Associate Professor Dr. Stanislav Vysotsky: Vysotsky, S. (2023, November). Beyond Anomie: Modernizing and Applying Subculture Theory in Criminology. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18, 2023.
  • Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Mark Kersten testified as part of a witness panel for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Dr. Kersten testified on Canada’s commitment to international law and the prosecution of international crimes.

Modern Languages

  • On January 12th, MOLA’s Department Head Dr. Alan Cameron and French Sessional Instructor Andrew Iverson visited grades 11 and 12 classes at WJ Mouat’s École Secondaire school to promote UFV’s French studies program and inform prospective students of the 10 new French entry scholarships available to them.



Political Science

  • The Political Science department organized a very successful POLITALK on November 9, 2023. They welcomed speakers from the Canadian Armed Forces, LCol Jesse van Eijk and Major Jurgen Miranda, who spoke on the topic “Canada’s land force commitment to NATO and Ukraine in Europe through Operations Reassurance and Unifier.”
  • Political Science Department Head and Associate Professor Dr. Edward Akuffo participated as a panelist in a hybrid symposium organized by the Peace and Reconciliation Centre at the University of the Fraser Valley and Utrecht University on November 28, 2023. The symposium’s theme was “Beyond Reductionism: Trans-Atlantic Perspectives on the Israel-Hamas War 2023,” Dr. Akuffo’s presentation was titled: “Israel-Hamas War and the Tragedy of International Law.”
  • Political Science Assistant Professor Dr. Noah S. Schwartz travelled to Ottawa in October to appear as an expert witness before the Senate Committee on National Security and Defense (SECD) as they studied Bill C-21.
  • Political Science Assistant Professor Dr. Simon Lambek’s article: “Comedy as Dissonant Rhetoric” was published in the November 2023 volume 49, issue 9 edition of Philosophy and Socialism Criticism.

School of Communication


  • Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA), a global initiative aligning with the United Nations’ COP meetings, involves fifty professional playwrights creating short plays on climate change. UFV Theatre participated by staging pop-up readings and performances on their Abbotsford campus, marking their third year in the event. Various classes, including Movement for Living (THEA 210), Digital Performance (THEA 311), and Acting Skills for Work and Life (THEA 111), presented movement-based works, digital performances, and staged readings, respectively, inspired by the 2023 CCTA catalogue. Notably, individuals like Taya Viger, Han Wood, Raven Turchinetz, Hazel Franklin, and Bella Dimano contributed by presenting selected pieces from the catalogue, contributing to the global dialogue on climate change awareness.

College of Arts Deans from 2000 to today

A Legacy of Leadership in the College of Arts

As we move forward in time, let’s take a moment to express our gratitude to the mentors and leaders who have guided the College of Arts over the last two decades. From 2000 to the present day, we have been fortunate enough to have a series of exceptional deans, each of whom has made a lasting impact on our institution.

From left to right:

🎭️ Dr. Virginia Cooke, 2000-2005
📚 Dr. Eric Davis, 2005-2009
🎨 Dr. Jacqueline Nolte, 2009-2021
🌟 Dr. Sylvie Murray: Our current Dean, carrying the torch forward. With dedication and passion, she continues to inspire the next generation.

Four college deans standing in front of a Christmas tree. From left to right: Dr. Virginia Cooke, Dr. Eric Davis, Dr. Jacqueline Nolte, and Dr. Sylvie Murray. Dr. Cooke is dressed in a vibrant green and yellow patterned jacket, wearing glasses with short, straight hair. Dr. Davis is wearing a purple sweater and black pants, complemented by glasses. Dr. Nolte is seen in a stylish black jacket, blouse, and pants, with glasses and short, curly hair. Dr. Murray, wearing a black blouse, black pants, and a short, straight hair. The group stands closely together and smiling.

As we reflect on the deans who have shaped our past and present, we look forward to the future they have paved. The College of Arts is not just a place of education; it is a living testament to the transformative power of visionary leadership. Here’s to the trailblazers, the innovators, and the stewards of creativity – past, present, and future.

Faculty Publications & Projects | October 2023

Criminology and Criminal Justice

  • Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Hayli Millar wrote a report on children’s rights and the sentencing of parents. Millar, H. (2023, August). Children’s Rights and the Sentencing of Parents Facing Criminal Sanctions. International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.
    • Milar and Criminology Professor Emeritus Yvon Dandurand wrote a report on the best interests of the child in sentencing. Millar, H., Dandurand, Y., Chin, V., Bayes, S., Capp, M., Fowler, R., Jahn, J., Pickering, B., & Castle, A. (2023). Considering the Best Interests of the Child in Sentencing and Other Decisions Concerning Parents Facing Criminal Sanctions: An Overview for Practitioners. International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.
    • Millar presented at the European Society of Criminology and Criminal Justice Annual Meeting on human rights. O’Doherty, T., & Millar, H. (2023, September 8). Panel Presentation, Implementing the Palermo Protocol in Canada: Implications for Human Rights and Fundamental Principles of Justice. European Society of Criminology and Criminal Justice Annual Meeting, EUROCRIM 2023, Florence, Italy.
    • Millar also co-authored a submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice. Millar, H., O’Doherty, T., Roots, K., Sibley, M., & van der Meulen, E. (2023, June 15). Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice, Bill S-224: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Trafficking in Persons).
  • Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Mark Kersten presented at a conference on transitional justice for children organized by the University of Saskatchewan. Kersten, M. (2023, October 27). Atrocities Against Children in Settler Contexts: What, If Anything, Does Transitional Justice Tell Us?
  • Criminology Assistant Professor Dr. Carlos Ponce was interviewed by Voz Pública about wrongful convictions in El Salvador.
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Mark Kersten contributed a media article on atrocities in Palestine and Israel. Kersten, M. (2023, October 12). The ICC prosecutor needs to break his silence on Israel-Palestine.
  • Criminology Professor Emeritus Yvon Dandurand gave a lecture on criminological studies and research in Canada at the Center for Criminology and Criminal Law Research at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi – University of Law.


  • Philosophy Associate Professor Dr. Glen Baier presented his paper, “I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream: Nietzsche’s Lyric, Artaud’s Double and the Self as Pain” at the Friedrich Nietzsche Society Annual Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, September 14-16. The theme of the conference was “Nietzsche and the Lyric”.


  • Psychology Assistant Professor Dr. Kristina Gicas presented “Strategies to Optimize Cognitive Functioning” at CERA Day to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons.
  • Two psychology undergraduate students, Ekam Banipal and Ariel Dennison-Hardy presented a poster at the Western Canadian Conference on Undergraduate Research and Psychology (CURP) last month, which took place at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. The research they presented examined the link between children’s rights and their beliefs about education and was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Superle (Associate Professor, Department of English) and Dr. Madison Pesowski (Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology). They had a great time discussing the project and meeting other students and faculty.

Faculty Publications & Projects | September 2023

A group picture featuring the English department faculty and students.

Arts & Integrated Studies

Criminology & Criminal Justice


  • History Sessional Instructor Dr. Sharanjit Kaur has been named one of the three new EDI Scholar-in-Residence with the UBC Library for the 2023-2024 term. UBC Library’s vision is leading and partnering with the University and communities in the creation, stewardship, exploration, and discovery of knowledge that values openness, belonging, connection, and curiosity.

Modern languages

  • Halq’eméylem Assistant Professor Mary Stewart assisted in the process of Kwantlen First Nations Band attaining B.C. Post Secondary partnership funding from the First Nation Steering Committee, to offer the three UFV courses, Halq’emeylem 202, 301 and 302.


  • Peter Raabe, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, recently participated in a virtual conference hosted in Japan. At the event, he conducted a workshop and introduced a publication titled “On Self-Defeating ‘Mental Viruses.'”
    • In addition, Dr. Raabe has contributed two articles to the Journal of American Philosophical Practitioners Association. The first article, titled “Not if, but when,” was featured in Volume 17, Number 3, released in November 2022. His second publication, titled “Approaching Elsewhere: On Fear of ‘The After-Life’,” can be found in Volume 18, Number 2, published in July 2023.

Political Science


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Faculty Publications & Projects | April & May 2023

Arts & Integrated Studies

Arts and Integrated Studies Assistant Professor Dr. Dale McCartney has been named the Assistant Editor of the journal Comparative and International Education.



Criminology and Criminal Justice

Criminology Professor Emeritus Dr. Yvon Dandurand wrote an article on child justice reform. Dao, L. T., & Dandurand, Y. (2023). Social, cultural, and systemic barriers to child justice reform: Lessons from Vietnam, 23(1), 29-48.

Dr. Dandurand and Dr. Darryl Plecas produced a report on assistance and support services for survivors of human trafficking. The report is based on a qualitative survey and analysis of the types of services and supports most needed by survivors of labour and sex trafficking, including the perceived usefulness and effectiveness of these services. The study also examined service delivery models, sources of referrals, models of inter-agency collaboration, and accessibility of relevant services in British Columbia and Alberta for meeting the needs of labour and sex trafficking survivors (including those at risk of or are currently being trafficked). Dandurand, Y., Plecas, D., Winterdyk, J., & Chin, V. (2023, April 26). Assistance and Support Services for Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Qualitative Study. International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.


Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Amanda McCormick presented on policing domestic violence. Stickle, B., & McCormick, A.V. (2023, March). Policing domestic violence in rural communities: Tennessee police data. Presented at the 67th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. New York, NY.

She also presented at the 3rd Community Forum for Safe Relationships Safe Children. Her presentation focused on Intimate partner-related brain injuries among service providers. She is also scheduled to present on barriers to reporting intimate partner violence to police at a May 16th community event co-hosted by UFV and the Ann Davis Transition Society on Women’s Equity and the Link to Femicides in BC. Additionally, Dr. McCormick will also present on “Project Safe Relationships: Evaluation of a Healthy Relationships Program for Adolescents in Abbotsford” at the 13th Annual Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships (NEVR) Conference on May 25.


Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Jon Heidt published an article on cannabis and research ethics, outlining how the history of controlling cannabis research has led to various harms, injustices, and ethical complications. Wheeldon, J., & Heidt, J. (in press). Cannabis, research ethics, and a duty of care. Research Ethics.



Criminology Associate Professor Dr. Hayli Millar co-authored a brief with Dr. Tamara O’Doherty that was submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women. This brief addressed the House of Common study on human trafficking of women, girls, and gender-diverse people in Canada.



Criminology Associate Professors Dr. Irwin Cohen and Dr. Amanda McCormick presented at the Focus on the Future Western Regional Conference on Problem Gambling Awareness in Seattle, Washington. Their presentation focused on “Participant experiences while transitioning into voluntary self-exclusion.”



English Associate Professor and newly appointed Department Head Dr. Heather McAlpine hosted the 4th UFV Young Authors’ Conference on April 27, 2023, at the UFV Chilliwack campus. The conference welcomed 75 middle school students from Chilliwack and offered 7 workshops led by a team of twelve UFV student volunteers.

Dr. McAlpine is also set to publish an article in the journal Pedagogy in May. Titled “Digital Meters: Using Text Encoding to Teach Literature in the Undergraduate Classroom”, this article draws on research as well as interviews with over a dozen instructors from all over the world to demonstrate that using the digital humanities practice of text encoding — embedding information about a digitized text into the source code — can be a valuable way of teaching literary analysis to undergraduates.


On April 16th, English Associate Professor Dr. Prabhjot Parmar gave a talk titled “I Will Bid”: The Changing Face of Punjabi Cinema at the 10th Punjabi Ma Boli International Film Festival in Surrey. The talk offered a brief history of Punjabi Cinema and highlighted the portrayal of caste in recent films.


Modern Languages

In a recent workshop presented at WEFLA 2023, an international conference on Canadian studies held in Holguín, Cuba, Modern Languages and Arts Studies Assistant Professor Dr. Maria de Luna presented a workshop titled “Estudiantes construyendo conocimiento que va más allá del salón de clase” [Students building knowledge that goes beyond the classroom walls]. The workshop was held at the Facultad de Comunicación y Letras, y la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Holguín, and was part of the XVII Seminario Internacional de Estudios Canadienses.



Dr. Peter Raabe, emeritus professor of Philosophy, led a ZOOM workshop on the topic “Philosophical Practice Today” at an international philosophy conference held in Japan. His paper, titled “On Self-defeating Mental Viruses: An Interdisciplinary Study in Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Mental Healthcare” will appear in the upcoming journal of the Japanese Society of Philosophical Practice (JSPP). The conference was hosted by Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan on May 20, 2023.


Political Science

Political Science Assistant Professor Dr. Noah Schwartz published an article in the Journal of Politics and Policy titled “Taking Stock: the contribution of the policy studies to our understanding of gun policy”. Dr. Schwartz has also published an op-ed article with Tim Thurley in the National Post: Opinion: Mass Casualty recommendations wouldn’t have stopped N.S. massacre, and won’t stop others, which was quoted by MP Stephen Ellis (Cumberland-Colchester) in a debate yesterday in the House of Commons.



Dr. Anna Cook, an Assistant Professor and Department Head of Philosophy, led two panels at the American Philosophical Association – Pacific Division Meeting held from April 5-10, 2023. The conference showcased her expertise in the field, and attendees had the opportunity to learn from her during two sessions. The first panel explored “Native Knowing, Endangered Languages, and the Meaning of Life,” while the second discussed “Reconfiguring the Canon of Nineteenth-Century American and British Philosophy.” The conference was an important event for philosophers and academics, providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and insights.

School of Creative Arts

Theatre Assistant Professor Dr. Anna Griffith presented at the Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS) conference: Applying Education in a Complex World and shared a paper titled “Futures Teaching and Interdisciplinary Praxis” about her pedagogical principles in SOCA 401.




Aimée Henny Brown, an assistant professor of Visual Arts, has been making waves in the art world lately. Her work has been featured in numerous exhibitions and publications, including Create Magazine’s Magic Issue #34, which was released in March 2023. The book “Folklore of the Upper Nithsdale” also showcases Brown’s work alongside other international collage artists, all of whom reimagine stories of witches, ghosts, and other spirits from Sanquhar, Scotland, in a contemporary context.

In addition to those publications, Brown’s collage and installation piece “Metaphorical Rocks” was featured in the Mythical Landscape: Secrets of the Vale Exhibition. This exhibition was a collaborative effort among international artists who travelled to Sanquhar, Scotland, to investigate the region’s history and folklore. Brown’s work, along with others, was inspired by stories from the past (true or otherwise) and considered the history of the region.

Brown was also one of the featured artists in an International group exhibition at the Sharp Hands Gallery, which celebrated educators in collage. The exhibition highlighted the work of several accomplished artists, including Michael Toti, Lyz Wendland, Miranda Millward, Craig van den Bosch, Ann E. Lawton, and of course, Aimée Henny Brown. The exhibition was curated by Cheryl Chudyk and Kevin Sampsell.

Brown’s contributions to the art world have not gone unnoticed, and she was recently invited to participate as a guest panellist at the Artists at Work Symposium, hosted by the Kent Harrison Arts Council at the Ranger Station Art Gallery. During the symposium, Brown and other artists shared their experiences, including both successes and failures, inspiring attendees with valuable insights into the challenges and rewards of pursuing a creative life.

Looking ahead, Brown has been awarded an artist residency with PADA Studios in Barreiro, Portugal, in August 2023. Her research, conducted during an initial ROSA research + project phase, has led to her residency, where she will continue her exploration of artist books, possible architectures, and speculative futures with peer mentors, curators, and other artists. Overall, Brown’s art reflects her ability to blend traditional and contemporary techniques while exploring themes of folklore, history, and imagination.

School of Culture, Media and Society

Dr. Satwinder Bains, Director of SASI and SCMS Associate Professor and Thamilini Jothilingam co-presented a paper titled “Connecting the Dots: Building Support for GLAM Partners in Digital Repository Networks with Arca/British Columbia Electronic Library Network” at the Archives Association of BC conference. Their work highlighted SACDA’s collections, archival strategy, and open access. Along with Alisa Sohi, Dr. Bains and Thamilini Jothilingam also led a metadata creation workshop based on SACDA collections at the ConnectED 2023 conference at UFV.

On April 19th, Historica Canada released a Heritage Minute about Paldi, a welcoming and inclusive town founded by immigrants on Vancouver Island, BC. The Paldi Heritage Minute is the first to be released in Punjabi (in addition to English and French). SASI Director Dr. Satwinder Bains was on set during the shooting as a historical consultant.

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