Miranda Louwerse, BSc – Faculty of Science Dean’s Medal Recipient 2017

Congratulations to Miranda Louwerse, this year’s recipient of the Faculty of Science Dean’s Medal. Miranda is an outstanding student in Chemistry and Mathematics. She not only met the required criteria for the Dean’s medal, she surpassed it! She is a true leader and ambassador not only of the Faculty of Science but the University community … Read more

Faculty of Science celebrates Convocation 2017!

The Faculty of Science awarded 81 Bachelor of Science degrees; 15 Engineering Physics diplomas; and our first Bachelor of Agriculture Science degree on June 7th. Congratulations to each and everyone of you! Darryl Wilson, BSc Graduate, Chemistry Major received the prestigious Governor General’s Silver Medal and Miranda Louwerse, BSc Graduate and Chemistry Major received the … Read more

Dr. Ian Affleck, UFV Math Professor receives prestigious Teaching Excellence Award

Congratulations Dr. Ian Affleck! He’s no doubt a teacher first! He joined UFV in 2005 and has been a remarkable role model for our faculty, staff and students ever since. He was recently recognized for his outstanding teaching within the Faculty of Science. The award was presented on behalf of his colleagues and peers; but … Read more

Governor General’s Silver Medal: Darryl Wilson beat the odds to become UFV’s top undergrad student

Article written by Darren McDonald [UFV Today] – June 5, 2017 At age 16, Darryl Wilson was preparing to live on his own. Now 26, he’s one of UFV’s top students. Imagine what’s next. A decade ago Wilson found himself on a Youth Agreement, a provincial government program for kids that otherwise don’t make it … Read more

FVRSF Gold Winners Travel to the Canada Wide Science Fair in Regina!

The Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair (FVRSF) was held at UFV April 4-7. Our Grand Prize winners, Mac Smith from Clayburn Middle School, Abbotsford, Anna-Lisa Nguyen from Walnut Grove Secondary, Langley and Jennifer Tran from R.E. Mountain Secondary, Langley traveled to the University of Regina to attend the 56th Annual Canada Wide Science Fair as … Read more

2017 Faculty of Science Awards of Excellence Recipients

Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the Faculty of Science AAAwards! Each year, the Dean of Science in consultation with the department heads of science decide the recipients of these awards. They were handed out during the last Faculty Council meeting of the year. Alan Reid – Awesome Achievement Award, for overall excellence in academic … Read more

Faculty of Science Convocation Celebration 2017

Congratulations Class of 2016/2017! Please join us immediately following the convocation ceremony on June 7th for the Faculty of Science Convocation Celebration! Sections 107 to 110 Please invite your family and friends! This is a great opportunity to get those candid photos with your professors and classmates!  

2017 Jane’s Walk with Dr. Alan Reid and Donovan Toews

UFV hosted our first Jane’s Walks this past weekend. These walks are designed to connect community members with one another in discussions of place meaning and history. Biology Professor Alan Reid and Physical Geography & Biology Major Donovan Toews lead a group through the trees and shrubs exploring UFV’s Wild Side! [box]What is a Jane’s … Read more

2014 BSc Graduate, Genevieve St. Martin … Where is she now?

Genevieve graduated from UFV in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology. Her UFV Biology honours research project “Preparing Nurses for Genetic Medicine: Integration of a Brief Education Session in an Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum” was submitted to the HEALIO Journal of Nursing Education and was published March 2017. She completed her … Read more

UFV Hosts the 20th Annual BC Secondary Schools Math Contest

The Final Round of the BC Secondary Schools Math Competition was hosted by UFV’s Department of Mathematics & Statistics at our Chilliwack Campus on Friday, May 5, 2017. There were over 100 students competing for $12,000 in UFV tuition waivers and prizes.               Congratulations to all who participated! UFV … Read more