Tag Archives | Racism

Indigenizing the Academy Elders

Indigenizers on Governance: Aboriginal hiring strategy to properly support students, create atmosphere of safety and trust

Indigenizers stressed, among other things, that First Nations should be hired throughout institutions, not just the First Nations studies department, and that institutions should report to aboriginal councils and that there be aboriginals and elders on the Board of Governors. It was felt that Indigenizing needed to be done by First Nations people to be […]

Keynotes and Guest Speakers: Discussions from the Canadian Federation of Students, National Aboriginal Caucus: Dr. Jo-Ann Episkenew, Dr. Lynne Davis, Eber Hampton, Otis Jasper notes and discussions

INDIGENIZING THE ACADEMY GATHERING August 26th–28th, 2012   Notes courtesy of Dolly Reno. DAY 1: Opening Ceremony with Elders   DAY 2: Guest Speaker: Dr. Jo-Ann Episkenew, University of Saskatchewan:   Gatekeepers as a disconnect and obstacle to indigenization Gatekeepers      that are a part of the reason for a disconnection between Indigenous      people […]