Elders stressed that best practices in indigenizing would include making language and particularly language immersion an important part of indigenization. Indigenous teaching methods – employing patience, and teaching with love, with “no slapping or yelling” — were recommended as well, rather than token efforts (“not enough to take a non-indigenous program and slap a name […]
Archive | Workshop
“We must critically examine our practice”: Faculty reflections on hiring, retention, tenure, and promotion
A department that is overly concerned with questions of “ fit” (how well does the applicant fit in with the department?) should be challenged –using themes like colonialism — to critically examine their practice. Departments were urged to be self-reflective about how they treated the “token” aboriginal scholar in their department, as one aboriginal person […]
Workshop Breakout I Group 6 Community Members and Elders Personal and Institutional Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy
Personal & Institutional Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy Workshop Breakout I Breakout Group 6 (Community Members & Elders) Language an important part of education Language immersion suggested Build bridges between institutions and communications Communication bridging important Superficial indigenization Cannot indigenize a non-indigenous program by “slapping a name on it” Native way of teaching – patience […]
Workshop Breakout 1 Group 5 (UFV Caucus) Personal & Institutional Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy
Personal & Institutional Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy Workshop Breakout I Breakout Group 5 (UFV Caucus) Indigenizing Challenges It’s easy to underestimate the challenges involved Family function and influence Can we make education a better experience by understanding how the family has evolved, and what it takes to make the families functional? Balancing curriculum for […]
Workshop Breakout I – Breakout Group 4 (Students) – Personal & Institutional Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy
Personal & Institutional Reflections on Indigenizing the Academy Workshop Breakout I Breakout Group 4 (Students) Facilitator: James Shawna Note taker: Alyson Seale 2621 *introductions *the session covered three questions: -what interests you about ‘Indigenizing the academy’? -How did you learn about the gathering and what brought you here? -What do you hope to learn and […]
Keynotes and Guest Speakers: Discussions from the Canadian Federation of Students, National Aboriginal Caucus: Dr. Jo-Ann Episkenew, Dr. Lynne Davis, Eber Hampton, Otis Jasper notes and discussions
INDIGENIZING THE ACADEMY GATHERING August 26th–28th, 2012 Notes courtesy of Dolly Reno. DAY 1: Opening Ceremony with Elders DAY 2: Guest Speaker: Dr. Jo-Ann Episkenew, University of Saskatchewan: Gatekeepers as a disconnect and obstacle to indigenization Gatekeepers that are a part of the reason for a disconnection between Indigenous people […]
Next Steps: Recommendations from the Canadian Federation of Students, National Aboriginal Caucus
Next Steps: Recommendations from the Canadian Federation of Students, National Aboriginal Caucus: • Put Keynotes on the web to create some structure to use as a way to gather more information on the web from others who read it. • CADD – Research • Make Indigenizing the Academy meetings a regular event • All institutions […]
Governance, Partnerships, and Building Alliances (Senior Administrators)
Sr. Administrators Governance, Partnerships, and Building Alliances How do aboriginal groups work with post-secondary institutions? How do Indigenous and non-indigenous faculty build alliances to support indigenization? A need to work more closely Band funding an issue Academy not always neutral: funding — goes to community or institution? More representation needed at all levels: […]
Workshop Breakout II Group 6 (Community and Elders) Hiring, Retention, Tenure, & Promotion
Hiring, Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Workshop Breakout II Breakout Group 6 (Community and Elders) Hiring advisory council to get First Nations on to faculty – can’t find anyone to hire need to be more creative than academic qualifications beyond tokenism Elder involvement Elder Advisor Advisory board input not valued Elders volunteer and non-paid Elder […]
Workshop II Breakout Group 3 (Senior Administrators 1) Hiring, Retention, Tenure, & Promotion
Hiring, Retention, Tenure, & Promotion Workshop Breakout II Breakout Group 3 (Senior Administrators 1) Facilitator: Ken Tourand Note taker: Alyson Seale We have been indigenizing for a long time “It’s all about relationship building” Overwhelming Indigenizing can be overwhelming and we will need support in order to do this successfully Indigenization […]