A Cursory Review of Selected Crime Prevention Coordination Mechanisms

Crime prevention coordination mechanisms are internationally recognized as a key feature of any successful national crime prevention strategy. Such mechanisms have been historically developed to effectively and efficiently facilitate priority areas, mobilize communities and stakeholders, and increase regional capacity to ultimately reduce crime and improve the quality of life for all.

Enhancing Surrey RCMP Detachment’s Domestic Violence Unit

Violence against women is a global concern, so much so that in 1993 the United Nations issued a Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women in which they defined violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including … Read more

The Legalization and Regulation of Marijuana and Implications for Local Government

The purpose of this study is to provide the City of Surrey with a literature review of journal articles and technical reports relating to the pending legalization and regulation of marijuana in Canada. The literature review is centred around five main themes: (1) marijuana harms to infants, children, and youth: (2) marijuana use and burn … Read more

Occupational Exposure to Asbestos among Civic Workers: A Risk Assessment of Low-dose Exposure

Asbestos is a human carcinogen and has been prohibited in many countries around the world. Long-term exposure to asbestos can lead to negative health outcomes including mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural thickening, and lung cancer. The incidence of asbestos-related disease has been increasing in industrialized countries over the past decade. Exposure to asbestos and the risk for … Read more

A Response to Illicit Drug Overdoses: Naloxone Administration in Surrey and Vancouver, British Columbia

The administration of naloxone by fire first responders was initiated in Vancouver and Surrey in response to increasing opioid related overdose incidents along with the inability of first responders’ to administer an antidote treatment. The naloxone administration protocol was implemented in February 2016 and this study discusses the experiences to date in both cities. Overall, … Read more

An Analysis of the Socio-Economic and Socio-Demographic Contributors to Property Crime in the Lower Mainland District

According to the data presented by police leaders at the September 29th, 2015 Metro Vancouver Crime Meeting, property crime increased for the second consecutive year in the Lower Mainland District (LMD) of British Columbia. Of the 22 RCMP and municipal police jurisdictions that comprise the LMD, it was reported that, between January and August 2015, … Read more

The Impact of Sentencing and Other Judicial Decisions on the Children of Parents in Conflict with the Law: Implications for Sentencing Reform

The situation of children whose parents are involved in adult criminal proceedings is emerging as a pressing public policy concern. There is a growing body of empirical evidence recognizing the adverse effects for dependent children both as direct and indirect victims of their parents’ criminal behaviour and in relation to criminal justice decisions about their … Read more

The Reduction of Parking Restrictions around Fire Hydrants: An Examination of Parking Distances and Setback Regulations

Fire hydrants are a crucial part of British Columbia (BC) communities’ fire prevention system and a source of water. In the City of Surrey, Engineering Operations and Surrey firefighters maintain and repair hydrants located on public land. As is the case in most urban centres in BC, fire hydrants in Surrey are connected to the … Read more