Evaluating Stakeholder Concerns About Proposed Single Egress Stairs: Residential Buildings in Canada, and What the Data Tells Us

Changes are being considered to the British Columbia, Ontario and National Building Codes in Canada to permit single egress stairs in residential buildings of three to eight storeys. The purpose of this report is to summarize the views of proponents and opponents of this change, explore the findings of relevant research and data, and identify … Read more

Interagency Case Assessment Teams (ICATS): Best Practices in Managing Highest Risk Cases of Intimate Partner Violence

Interagency Case Assessment Teams (ICATs) were introduced in British Columbia in 2010 in response to a high-profile domestic violence homicide that occurred on Vancouver Island. ICATs were developed by the Ending Violence Association of BC (EVA BC) and their Community Coordination for Women’s Safety (CCWS) program and were formalized in an amendment to the provincial … Read more

A Review of BCLC’s Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program: Client Behaviours, Experiences, and Perceptions

The objectives of this study were to assess the experiences and perceptions of VSE program participants and to measure the effects of the program on their gambling. In addition, BCLC was interested in learning about the various informal and formal supports used by VSE clients during their exclusion and the effects of the VSE program … Read more

The Antisocial Use of Imitation Firearms Among Youth – Phase I

Imitation firearms, including airsoft guns and pellet guns, can present serious public safety concerns. Although in Canada the possession of a fake weapon or imitation firearm is not prohibited, it is considered a criminal offence when used in the commission of another Criminal Code offence. The British Columbia Taskforce on Illegal Firearms (2017) reported that … Read more

The Complexities of Investigating and Clearing Harassment Related Intimate Partner Violence Files

Intimate partner violence is a serious concern in Canada. Approximately every five days, a woman is killed by their current or former intimate partner (Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative, 2018). Research previously conducted by the Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research at the University of the Fraser Valley identified that, in 2016, the … Read more

Understanding Dial-A-Doping and Developing Profiles of Dial-A-Dopers in British Columbia

This purpose of this project was to develop a better understanding of the profile of street-level dial-a-dopers and the pathways to dial-a-doping in British Columbia. To do so, quantitative analyses of drug trends in the province between 2013 and 2020 were analysed both at a provincial level, at a policing district level, and at the … Read more

Fire Severity Outcome Comparison of Apartment Buildings Constructed from Combustible and Non-combustible Materials

Wood is a natural, sustainable, and economical material used for construction. It is also combustible, which causes structures constructed from wood to be perceived as less safe than structures made from non-combustible materials, such as steel and concrete. However, fire safety in residential buildings is multi-layered, and advancements in wood products and treatment, such as … Read more

Identifying Trends and Police Responses to Elder Abuse and Neglect in British Columbia

Adults aged 65 years and older represent an increasing proportion of the Canadian population. Similarly, rates of violent crimes involving elder victims have reportedly been increasing in Canada (Conroy, 2021). The report explored the trends in police files involving elder victims of violent crimes through analyses of police data and survey data collected from frontline … Read more

An Evaluation of Situation Tables in British Columbia

Situation Tables (also known as Hubs) have become an increasingly popular means of addressing crime and several co-occurring social problems in communities across Canada. Situation Tables represent a holistic approach to individual and community well-being and safety. They are premised on a model of social service collaboration that aims to identify vulnerable individuals and connect … Read more