Energy Drinks

Energy drinks provide physical and mental stimulation for short periods of time. Popular energy drinks in Canada include Monster, RedBull, Rockstar, FullThrottle, Hype, and Red Dragon. These brands and others can be found nearly anywhere beverages are sold.


Similar to morphine, fentanyl is a synthetic opiate used to treat patients with extreme chronic pain. Sometimes it is used for patients coming out of surgery. Street names for fentanyl include TNT, China girl, Goodfella, Murder 8, and Tango and Cash. Fentanyl is usually used when no other pain medicines work as it is extremely … Read more


Ketamine is most often used legally as an anesthetic by veterinarians and doctors. Recent research suggests that ketamine may also be useful in treating alcoholism, heroin addiction, migraines, and depression. Ketamine is a highly addictive drug that results in a psychological state of separation between the self and reality. Its effects include out of body … Read more

Crystal Methamphetamine

Crystal meth is a stimulant drug also known as meth, tina, yaba, crystal, jib, speed, crank, ice, sketch, cryssie, or glass. It is a white, odourless powder that can be snorted, smoked, injected, and eaten. Meth does not occur naturally.  It is a synthetic drug that is made from a combination of chemical ingredients. Ingredients … Read more

College Gambling

Gambling involves risking something of value on an uncertain outcome in the hopes of increasing value or profit.  Gambling is generally regarded as a problem when the gambler begins to experience a number of negative consequences from their gambling, including feelings of guilt, gambling more than intended, and spending less time at school or at … Read more

Youth Gambling

Gambling is illegal for British Columbian youth under the age of 19 years . Although problem gambling has been primarily thought of as an adult behaviour, gambling activities appear to be particularly attractive for youth today.  A McGillUniversity survey in Montreal showed that 30% of grade 7 students gambled at least once a week. In … Read more

Youth Gangs

A gang is a structured group of individuals who use intimidation and violence to carry out criminal acts in order to gain power and status or to control certain lucrative activities. A youth gang is “any durable, street-oriented youth group whose involvement in illegal activity is part of its group identity”. Most youth gang members … Read more