Maintaining Your Health During a Heat Wave

I’ve encouraged you all to “don’t hide – get outside” but I wasn’t anticipating such a spike in temperature like we’ve experienced the past few days! Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for most of British Columbia with temperatures expected to reach higher-than-normal, which started on Friday, June 24 and is expected to last … Read more

Don’t Hide — Get Outside; Get Moving in June to Improve Your Mental Health

      Did you know that simply moving your body benefits your mental health. Regular aerobic exercise can reduce depressive symptoms, boost your mood, increase  your energy, and reduce feelings of fatigue. Meditation, yoga and tai chi are all helpful in reducing symptoms of PTSD. When you change your posture and breathing techniques, you … Read more

Encouraging Health Behaviour Change — Creating Health Habits Series post #1

Submitted by guest blogger Amber Johnston, School of Kinesiology There are several things that one has learned from the last three years navigating through a pandemic. At the forefront is the importance of our health and wellbeing.  We can determine our health in many ways — where positive, successful behaviour change influencing our decision making … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge – Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser Walk — Feb 26/22

JOIN THE STRIVE TO THRIVE TEAM – The Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser is intended to support fellow community members who take shelter wherever they can find it. By walking in the cold and dark and leaving the comfort and warmth of your home, you will gain an understanding of the challenges faced by … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge – Mocktails Anyone?

Sometimes the stress of our daily grind makes us really crave an alcoholic beverage to help us take the edge off at the end of the day, but I hope you are all incorporating other relaxation techniques into your lives this dry-February. If you are anything like me, sometimes just the “look” of the drink … Read more

January 14 – Employee Fitness Challege High Five Friday Message

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year! Sorry it has taken me a bit of time to send this and to welcome you to the Winter, 2022 edition of the Strive to Thrive Employee Fitness Challenge. I’m just settling in to the new year, as I’m sure you all are and I’ve been battling some … Read more

November 26 – Employee Fitness Challenge High Five Friday Message

Happy Friday everyone and I hope you’re having a great day. It was another whirlwind week of emotions as we all deal with Mother Nature’s wrath! I hope you are staying safe and managing your mental health. We all know that a big part of that is good physical health so although this weather isn’t … Read more

November 12 – Employee Fitness Challenge High Five Friday Message

Happy rainy Friday everyone. It’s hard to believe that we’re already half-way through November. I was off this week taking care of my husband who received a new hip on Monday so unfortunately didn’t have much time to concentrate on my wellness, but I’m looking forward to picking it up again next week. This week’s … Read more

November 5, 2021 – Employee Fitness Challenge High Five Friday Message

Time is flying by – it’s November already! I hope you had a great week and were able to accomplish some of your wellness goals. There is lots of news to report today so here we go! Tomorrow (Saturday, November 6) one of our awesome HR Sr. Advisors, Zoe Strazza, will be leading a glorious … Read more