Call for student representatives on Science Faculty Council 2020/2021 – Nominations close SEPT 18!

The Faculty of Science is looking for 2 Student Representatives to sit on our Science Faculty Council. These positions are for a ONE YEAR term. The Mandate of the Science Faculty Council (SFC) shall: serve as the forum for sharing information and the discussion of academic matters receive recommendations related to academic programs, including but … Read more

Congratulations to Annabelle Czihaly, UFV’s 2020 LIYSF Representative

The Faculty of Science is pleased to announce that UFV Physics student, Annabelle Czihaly, was selected to represent UFV this summer at the London International Youth Science Forum. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 the 62nd LIYSF has been postponed to 2021. The shortlisted candidates, Annabelle Czihaly, Chandy Dancey, Connor Frey and Heather Kelly, were to present … Read more

Faculty of Science came together to celebrate our 2020 Graduates!

Each year the science faculty and staff  look forward to celebrating with our graduates at convocation. 2020 has proven to be a little challenging and threw a wrench into our plans! However, pandemic or not, we were determined to celebrate with our grads! On Thursday, June 18th a Zoom celebration was held with our grads. … Read more

Congratulations BSc Graduate, Aisa Dobie, recipient of the 2020 Dean of Science Medal of Excellence

Congratulations to Aisa Dobie, the recipient of the 2020 Faculty of Science Dean’s Medal of Excellence. Aisa has been on the Dean’s list every year and achieved an overall GPA of 4.07. The Dean’s medal is awarded not only for academic achievements but also for leadership and participation in the life of the University. She … Read more

Fraser Valley Region shines at the BC/Yukon Virtual Science Fair!

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the following students from the Fraser Valley Region for participating in the BC/Yukon Virtual Science Fair held on June 17, 2020. They joined over 190 students from across BC where they received mentor feedback while competing for awards and prizes that were graciously donated by regional … Read more

UFV’s Faculty of Science Magazine is live! Check out what we’ve been up to this year!

We are excited to announce the launch of our first issue of the Faculty of Science magazine. Thank you to all of our faculty and staff who collaborated to make this happen. A special thanks to Dr. Carin Bondar for turning Dr. Lucy Lee‘s vision into reality! Our annual magazine highlights the amazing science that … Read more

New Course for Summer 2020! BIO 420 II – Methods in Science Communication

Introducing BIO420: Methods in Science Communication. This brand-new 3 credit course students will gain a significant understanding of the methodologies for effectively communicating science on various media platforms. In today’s world of pseudoscience and misinformation online, a great need exists for bona fide scientists to ramp up their skills of charismatic storytelling. This course will … Read more

Climate Change … The Song

The much anticipated UFV Climate Change music-video was released on April 22 to kick off  Earth Day. The video, directed by our own Dr. Carin Bondar, UFV Biology Adjunct Professor and Faculty of Science Communicator, wanted to raise awareness about our day to day habits around carbon consumption. Welcome to a true labor of love … Read more

Vote for your favourite project at CityStudio Abbotsford Hubbub by APR 30

Abbotsford CityStudio Hubbub is an interactive project showcase which takes place twice a year and brings together UFV students to share their projects, findings and recommendations with city staff, peers, faculty and engaged community members. CityStudio is testing out new methods of collaboration in Experiential Learning by moving Hubbub on-line. Between April 15 – 30, … Read more

New summer course of interest to students in Math, Stats, Bioinformatics, Physics, Engineering and Data Analytics

Interested in participating in a unique opportunity? Take a new course in the first half of the summer, learn image processing and analytics techniques, and do a project related to COVID-19? If so, please register for CIS 496K:  IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS This course covers the fundamental techniques used for image processing and image analysis with … Read more