CHASI researchers show new moms what a realistic return to movement can look like

Thumbnail photo of a mother sitting on an exercise mat outdoors, holding her baby upright and smiling.

CHASI Faculty Associate Dr. Iris Lesser and UFV student research assistant Megan Filiatrault have released a new report sharing their findings from an initial series of workshops aimed at engaging new mothers in physical activity and presenting a realistic look at what their return to movement may look like. The report, titled Postpartum Physical Activity … Read more

CHASIcast 17: Women’s Health and Physical Activity with Dr. Iris Lesser and Amber Johnston

Photo of Iris Lesser, Martha Dow, and AmberJohnson posing near podcast microphones, smiling for the camera. The graphic has text reading: "CHASIcast #17 - Women's Health and Physical Activity."

In our first CHASIcast of the year we welcome back Dr. Iris Lesser, who is joined by her Kinesiology colleague Amber Johnston, MSc, to discuss their unique course — KIN499: Women’s Health and Physical Activity. Through this course and their teaching, they aim to fill crucial gaps in understandings of women’s health, particularly around menopause … Read more

CHASIcast 13: Dr. Iris Lesser on post-partum bodies and activity

Photo of Dr. Iris Lesser sitting at a podcasting microphone, holding up a poster recruiting participants to one of her studies. A quote overlaying the bottom of the image reads: “Not only are you trying to figure out how to raise a child, but there’s also this societal expectation that you figure it out, and you turn back into who you were.”

This episode, the CHASIcast examines the post-partum complications they don’t talk about. Join host Dr. Martha Dow, along with Dr. Iris Lesser, associate professor at UFV’s School of Kinesiology (and CHASI faculty associate), as they examine how pregnancy and physical activity interact, in a world that’s all about body image. The CHASIcast is available to … Read more

CHASI’s experts

CHASI logo

The CHASI team includes experts in a wide range of academic disciplines under our wide umbrella of community health and social innovation. Below you’ll find a listing of some of our knowledgeable researchers, their areas of expertise, and an email where you can reach them. Dr. Satwinder Bains Email: Expertise: Race, racism and ethnicity … Read more

New Report: The Utility of Physician Referred Outdoor Physical Activity for South Asian Women

The first page of a report titled "the utility of physician referred outdoor physical activity for South Asian women."

A new report by UFV’s Dr. Iris Lesser and Ms. Navdeep Rai, BKin, The Utility of Physician Referred Outdoor Physical Activity for South Asian Women, examines how outdoor group-based physical activity—recommended by a physician and carried out with other South Asian women—may be an opportunity to improve physical activity in a community that reports low … Read more

CHASI Faculty Associates

Photos of some of CHASI's research associates in a collage.

The Community Health and Social Innovation (CHASI) Hub is privileged to work with the following UFV faculty members Dr. Satwinder Kaur Bains Dr. Sarah Beaulieu Dr. Shelley Canning Dr. Keith Thor Carlson Dr. Cherie Enns Dr. Luisa Giles Dr. Geetanjali Gill Dr. Sharon Gillies Dr. Lesley Jessiman Dr. Karun Karki Dr. Kathy Keiver Dr. Iris … Read more