Business Students Showcase Research and Win at UFV’s Student Research Day

The UFV School of Business is proud to have been represented by several groups of accomplished students at UFV’s annual Student Research Day which took place this past Wednesday. The poster presentations were held in the Student Union Building, Great Hall and the event also featured micro lectures in the south atrium. Business students presented research … Read more

Attend the PVCC and Gala Dinner for only $20

The Pacific Venture Capital Conference & Competition (PVCC) offers UFV School of Business students  the opportunity to attend its conference this year at a partner-discounted rate. That means you will be able to access high profile keynote speakers, workshops, founders’ panel, networking session, AND gala dinner for only $20.  Keynote Speakers include Nicole Verkindt, Founder of OMEX and “Dragon” from Next Gen Den Hamed … Read more

Networking Opportunities at the Business After Business Mixer

On Thursday, March 9, 2017, the UFV School of Business hosted the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce, Business After Business Mixer.  This event allowed members of the Abbotsford business community as well as students and staff from the UFV School of Business to meet and mingle over appetizers and sample wine donated by Maan Farms. The Students of … Read more

March 6 & 13, 2017 – Marketing Lecture & Research Presentation

The UFV School of Business is currently in the process of hiring new faculty in marketing. The UFV community is invited to attend the public parts of the selection process as follows: Monday, March 6, Room C1429 Teaching demonstration starts at 9:30 AM Research presentation starts at 10:30 AM Monday, March 13, Room C1429 Teaching demonstration … Read more

UFV’s First Sustainability Morning Event

Last Thursday morning a group of dedicated and passionate individuals were found in the Abbotsford Library Atrium, engaging passerby’s in discussions about sustainability. With free coffee and Timbits, students, staff, and faculty came together to voice their opinions on how UFV and the Fraser Valley community can become more sustainable. Some suggestions put forward were: Increasing the … Read more

$1,000 Scholarship for Accounting Students – NEW DEADLINE

Due to the inclement weather earlier in January and February the committee has decided to amend the dates for the scholarship process as follows: March 10, 2017 – Students need to submit their applications to their university’s professor. This year, accounting students from UFV are eligible to apply for one of three $1,000 scholarships funded equally … Read more

School of Business professors share their research findings at UFV Faculty Micro-Lecture Challenge

Once again the Research, Engagement, and Graduate Studies office hosted the Faculty Micro-Lecture event. This is a chance for the UFV community to expand their academic pool of knowledge and sample new subject areas with an interdisciplinary afternoon showcasing faculty research from across the institution. Faculty presenters each take the stage for a maximum of … Read more

March 3, 2017 – HRM Lecture & Research Presentation

The School of Business is currently in the process of hiring new faculty in the area of Human Resource Management. On Friday, March 3 one of the applicants will hold a public lecture (9:30-10:30 AM) followed by a research presentation (10:30-11:30 AM). The UFV community is invited to attend this part of the selection process. … Read more