Cultivating Creativity and Shaping Chilliwack’s Arts Scene: Jean-Louis Bleau and the Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Jean-Louis Bleau is a versatile professional whose career has woven through various roles in the arts sector. Currently serving as the Executive Director of the Chilliwack Cultural Centre, his journey encompasses experiences as an arts administrator, music artistic director, professional conductor, and university educator. Beyond his professional achievements, Jean-Louis finds inspiration in sailing, running, and other water-related sports, activities that ground him and fuel his creativity.

“My motivation to pursue a career in the creative arts sector is rooted in my experiences and professional journey.  As an arts administrator and artistic director, I have seen firsthand the profound impact that the arts can have on individuals and communities. The ability to spark creativity, facilitate collaboration, and drive cultural development has been incredibly fulfilling.”

At the Chilliwack Cultural Centre, Jean-Louis oversees a diverse range of programs aimed at enriching the cultural fabric of the community. His dedication stems from a desire to create meaningful experiences, support emerging talents, and contribute to a vibrant cultural landscape.

“Working here has allowed me to curate diverse and engaging programs, which has only deepened my commitment to this field,” he adds.

One of the highlights of Jean-Louis’s tenure has been his involvement with practicum students from the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV).

“Supervising practicum students in a student-led festival has been a deeply rewarding experience. These exceptional students were proactive and required only minimal guidance.”

The TakeOver Festival was a student-led festival that has proven instrumental in engaging the community through unique performances, enhancing cultural offerings, and strengthening ties with local residents. Through hands-on involvement, students gained practical experience in organizing and executing major events, refining their skills in project management, teamwork, and creative problem-solving.

“This experience not only provides them with a platform to showcase their talents but also builds confidence in their abilities, essential for their professional development,” he emphasizes.

Reflecting on the impact on the organization and the community, Jean-Louis highlights the benefits of integrating student perspectives and innovations into their programming.

“For our organization, it brings fresh ideas and enriches our events. For the community, it fosters an inclusive environment where emerging talents are celebrated, and diverse voices are heard. Witnessing the diversity of plays and films, feeling the energy in the lobby, and marvelling at the talents of the performers was a fantastic and inspiring experience,” Jean-Louis concludes.

Mapping Ancient Flood Deposits in the Langley Bog: A Student Research Program

J Hughes

Dr. J Hughes, UFV Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment, 2018 

“When I first got to UFV in 2006, retiring professor, Don Tunstall, had left this box of Kodachromes on my desk,” says UFV associate professor Dr. J Hughes, a bio-geographer and paleoecologist in the department of Geography and the Environment.

First used in the 1930s, a Kodachrome is a 35 mm slide used for professional colour photography. “I started looking through them thinking these are kind of interesting” says Hughes. Hughes discovered that the Kodachrome slides had originally come from a local farmer during the 1948 flood, who had recorded images and field notes of damaged properties in the Matsqui and Hatzic areas.

Read moreMapping Ancient Flood Deposits in the Langley Bog: A Student Research Program