UFV Unite – Walk Across Canada Challenge — Week 3 Takes Us All the Way to Grand Falls, NB

There is still time to join the UFV staff & faculty community in our Across Canada Challenge. We encourage you to participate in this collective virtual trek across Canada via the Trans Canada Highway, which is 7,821 km long, equaling approximately 10,000,000 steps. Our goal is to cover the distance between Victoria and St. John’s … Read more

Quarantining with Kids – Stories from the HR Team

COVID-19 has really turned our lives upside down, especially those of us with children. Regardless of their age, all children are facing individual challenges as they try to figure out how to adjust to lock-down, quarantining, and social distancing. Everything they took for granted has changed. They can’t hang out with their friends or extended … Read more

UFV Unite – Walk With Us!

We need your help to step across Canada this June! Join the UFV staff & faculty community in our Across Canada Challenge. We encourage you to participate in this collective virtual trek across Canada via the Trans Canada Highway, which is 7,821 km long, equaling approximately 10,000,000 steps. Our goal is to cover the distance … Read more

Spring 2020 Online Workshops – Week 8

Week of June 1 Cultures of Education: Reflecting on Study Habits, Student-teacher Relationships, and Academic Integrity Through an Intercultural Lens Ever wonder why some students stay silent in whole-class discussions? Or why other students copy from online sources without citing?  How about why some students ask for higher grades… sometimes more than once!?  This interactive … Read more