Fall Employee Fitness Challenge – Join the Walking Program

Dust off those runners, drag yourself away from that computer screen and come out to join us for a 30-minute walk! We are happy to see so many faces back on campus and the fall employee fitness challenge is excited to start a walking program as a way to re-connect while striving towards our goal … Read more

Get Ready for the Fall, 2021 Employee Fitness Challenge

The next edition of the UFV Employee Fitness Challenge will be kicking off on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 so if you aren’t one of the 185 employees who already registered for the first one in January, don’t delay! Log on to our website to sign up and receive a great gift! https://www.ufv.ca/hr/health-well-being/fitness-challenge/. Over the past … Read more

Keto and COVID-19

According to several ongoing researchers, the Ketogenic diet may be a helpful tool in lowering a person’s chances of developing COVID-19 and preventing severity. Could the keto diet help prevent or mitigate severe COVID-19? Well Dr. David Harper thinks it can and he will be explaining why in his presentation in the Keto Salt Lake … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge Ends (for now) but back September 1, 2021 Bigger & Better!

As a component of UFV’s Organizational Health Strategy, the Employee Fitness Challenge: Strive to Thrive kicked off on January 1, 2021 and was intended as a motivational tool to help keep us connected and engaged in our effort to achieve and maintain our employee’s overall wellness. Employees were encouraged to participate in any activity that … Read more

Mark Pearson Shares His Reasons for Joining our Employee Fitness Challenge — Strive to Thrive

Thank you Mark for being so candid with us and sharing your wellness struggles. I’m sure your story resonates with so many of us and your tips and techniques for dealing with them are very informative and helpful. Human Resources is always here to work with our employees to get them the support and guidance … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge – Indigenous Health & Wellness Practices

The Employee Fitness Challenge is super excited to invite you to an exciting session with Shyama-Priya who will lead us through a one-hour session at 11:30 am on Wednesday, April 14. The Zoom link has been sent to all the the Fitness Challenge members, but anyone is welcome so email me at nancy.scarrow@ufv.ca if you’d … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge Update Mar 22-28, 2021

Good morning everyone. I hope the past week was productive and enjoyable for you. I am a little concerned that I am not engaging you enough and providing enough opportunities for you to work on your wellness. Of the 192 members of this group, only 63 of you submitted progress reports this week (33%) and … Read more

Recipe – Creamy Potato Leek Soup (Vegan, Vegetarian and Dairy-Free) from Johanna Sawer

Thank you Johanna for sending me this wonderful family recipe, including your experience of cooking together. It is a perfect example of how we can connect and make cherished memories – not only in these challenging times of a global pandemic, but everyday! My husband and I met at work, about 25 years ago – … Read more