Towards Trauma Informed Practice

Written by TLC Learning Designer, Dulmini Wathugala Towards a Trauma-Informed Practice. That “Return to campus” date is looming in for students, and everyone is excited to be back! Or are they? Let’s not forget the fact that the past year etched varied experiences on our university community. A pandemic that may have robbed dearest things … Read more

New Faculty Kickstart – Fall 2021

TLC New Faculty Kickstart is for new UFV faculty (Type B, Sessional or Tenure Track), by invitation only. New Faculty Kickstart (NFKS) is a professional development opportunity for new faculty (both permanent and sessional) to get them oriented to teaching and learning here at UFV.  NFKS is an asynchronous course in Blackboard that covers topics … Read more

Seven Grandfather Teachings

Written by Lorna Andrews, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Indigenization I have been a part of the Indigenous Curriculum Specialist Network (ICSN) that has Indigenous representatives from universities across Canada since November 2020. I was invited to join this network to connect with others across the country doing similar work to mine. We have common challenges … Read more

“Ditch the Final Exam” – how and why?: A collaboration between UFV’s Teaching and Learning Centre and BC Campus

        Written by Claire Hay, UFV Teaching and Learning Specialist As we all know, the 2020-21 academic year has been different; highlighted by an unexpected pivot to emergency online teaching in March 2020 and then a move to online course delivery (in most instances) for the entire academic year that followed.  With … Read more

How are you, really?

It has been 13 months since we had to ‘pivot’ and make drastic changes to the way to teach and learn, and now another semester is ending.  It has also been three months since I have asked you how you were. So, I ask you again: How are you, really? As we transition towards summer … Read more

Accessibility Awareness Three-Day Online Event (June 1-3, 2021)

To promote and raise awareness for the National Accessibility Week, May 31 – June 4, 2021, the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) and the Centre for Accessibility Services (CAS) are hosting a three-Day Online event featuring keynote presenters, workshops, a student panel, and other relevant sessions to showcase and learn about accessibility. Save the Dates … Read more

Innovation Spark!

UFV Academic Success Centre team featured in a zoom session during the PAWS event. Sandra Smith is top row, center. There’s nothing like a pandemic to spark innovation, and Sandra Smith, the Academic Success Centre’s Coordinator, was recently lauded for exactly that. She and two colleagues from Simon Fraser University, Ruth Silverman and Julia Lane, … Read more

Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation & Weaving Knowledge Systems Workshops

Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation (EJTR) This workshop will take us on a journey to discover challenges and best practices in decolonizing our education practice and the classroom. Based on your experiences and knowledge of Indigenous history and issues, we will explore strategies for creating a culturally safe learning environment and indigenizing through reconciling Indigenous worldviews, … Read more

We’d like to know what you think

Welcome to the end of the fall semester and 2020. For many of us the fall semester proved to be a significant learning experience in online learning delivery. There was some developing and fine-tuning along the way with activities added/dropped/modified or assessments revised to suit the needs of your students. It is nice to know … Read more