LIYSF 2022: Day 1

Welcome to Annabelle and Rhien’s 2022 LIYSF blog. Over the next 2 weeks, we’ll be sharing our adventures as we attend the 63rd London International Youth Science Forum. We want to thank the University of the Fraser Valley Faculty of Science for the tremendous opportunity to attend this forum. We’re both so excited to learn … Read more

Congratulations to UFV’s 2022 LIYSF Representative, Rhien Hare

The Faculty of Science is pleased to announce that UFV Biology major, Rhien Hare, was selected to represent UFV this summer, in person, at the 63rd Annual London International Youth Science Forum. The shortlisted candidates, Rhien Hare and Catherine Laflamme, presented a research topic of their choice to our selection panel earlier this month. Both … Read more

Join us for the LIYSF Info Session and find out how you can represent UFV in London this summer! FEB 10 @ 1 PM Zoom

We are looking for a student enrolled in a science program at UFV, who is academically outstanding and has great leadership and communication skills, to represent UFV at the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) to be held July 27 – August 10, 2022. We anticipate sending the successful candidate to LIYSF in person. We … Read more

London International Youth Science Forum 2021 with Annabelle Czihaly

Thank you to the University of the Fraser Valley’s Faculty of Science and Faculty of Applied and Technical Studies for their tremendous support in granting myself and my fellow peers the opportunity to experience the 2021 London International Youth Science Forum. Although this years’ forum was held virtually, it still allowed me to connect with … Read more

London International Youth Science Forum 2021 with Heather Kelly

I want to start by giving a special thank you to UFV and the Faculty of Science for allowing me to take part in the 62nd annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). Although I was not able to attend in person this year, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, it was still an unforgettable experience. … Read more

London International Youth Science Forum 2021 with Connor Frey

Though this year’s London International Youth Science Forum was in an online format, many of the best features of the forum were still experienced from home. Firstly, the opening day of the forum included very interesting keynote speakers, one of which by Professor Sarah Gilbert of Oxford University, the woman in charge of the development … Read more

Congratulations to Annabelle Czihaly, UFV’s 2020 LIYSF Representative

The Faculty of Science is pleased to announce that UFV Physics student, Annabelle Czihaly, was selected to represent UFV this summer at the London International Youth Science Forum. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 the 62nd LIYSF has been postponed to 2021. The shortlisted candidates, Annabelle Czihaly, Chandy Dancey, Connor Frey and Heather Kelly, were to present … Read more

LIYSF Candidates to present at the final round MAR 24 @ 2:30 PM B101

Congratulations to Annabelle Czihaly, Chandy Dancey, Connor Frey and Heather Kelly for successfully making it to the final round! Our finalists will now present a research topic of their choice to our Selection Panel. Come out and support our LIYSF Candidates! WHEN: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 TIME: 2:30 – 4:30 pm (Q&A to follow each … Read more

Are you a science student interested in spending 2 weeks in London, UK this summer with all expenses paid? Join us for the LIYSF Info Session JAN 28 @ 2:30 PM B121

UFV will be sending one Science student to London, England all expenses paid, to attend the annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) July  29 to August 12, 2020. INFORMATION SESSION: Thursday, JAN 28 @ 2:30 PM – Room B121 Guest speaker, Isabelle St-Martin will be sharing her experience from last year’s science forum. I … Read more

LIYSF 2019: Day 21

This is the last day of what has been an unforgettable European adventure. I leave this trip with friendships that I am certain will last a lifetime, and a passion for fields of science that I never knew existed prior to the forum. I have made so many connections from all over the world, and … Read more