(T) LIYSF Day 12: The day I almost stole the Crown Jewels

The tower of London is really well run. If you ever have the chance, I would really recommend the trip. I spent the day with a girl from New Zealand walking through the battlements and the Crown Jewel exhibit. Unfortunately you weren’t allowed to take photos in the gallery with the jewels but we walked … Read more

(T) LIYSF Day 11: Space, shopping and synthesis

This morning we woke up and attended a lecture from Professor Mark McCaughrean who told us about the European Space Agency (ESA) and the work they have been doing over the past few years. I found the lecture really interesting, especially enjoying some of the films that he showed us. One in particular showed us … Read more

LIYSF Day 13: Kings, Queens…and Karaoke (P)

Hi Everyone, I can’t believe that LIYSF is about to end. Well, I can…my body is very tired, but the weeks have flown by. I’ll definitely miss the new friends I’ve made, and hope to see them again someday. Today started with our final set of specialist lectures. I learned about emotional recognition in computers … Read more

LIYSF Day 12: Cambridge and Culture (P)

Hi Everyone, Today, I visited Cambridge. As is LIYSF tradition, we waited around for a while once we arrived. Impatient, we asked the staff what we were waiting for, and learned that we were waiting for tour guides. We complained, as we’d hoped to spend as much time exploring the city as possible. However, our … Read more

Science Rocks? ABSOLUTELY! Summer 2017

Our Science Rocks summer camps are well underway! We are already into Week #3 Sense-sational Science! Our campers this week will be enjoying activities involving the 5 senses. What could top fun experiments in a lab? How about fun activities outside on the green! Each week ends with a pizza party, ice cream and a … Read more

Miranda Louwerse, BSc – Faculty of Science Dean’s Medal Recipient 2017

Congratulations to Miranda Louwerse, this year’s recipient of the Faculty of Science Dean’s Medal. Miranda is an outstanding student in Chemistry and Mathematics. She not only met the required criteria for the Dean’s medal, she surpassed it! She is a true leader and ambassador not only of the Faculty of Science but the University community … Read more

Faculty of Science celebrates Convocation 2017!

The Faculty of Science awarded 81 Bachelor of Science degrees; 15 Engineering Physics diplomas; and our first Bachelor of Agriculture Science degree on June 7th. Congratulations to each and everyone of you! Darryl Wilson, BSc Graduate, Chemistry Major received the prestigious Governor General’s Silver Medal and Miranda Louwerse, BSc Graduate and Chemistry Major received the … Read more

Dr. Ian Affleck, UFV Math Professor receives prestigious Teaching Excellence Award

Congratulations Dr. Ian Affleck! He’s no doubt a teacher first! He joined UFV in 2005 and has been a remarkable role model for our faculty, staff and students ever since. He was recently recognized for his outstanding teaching within the Faculty of Science. The award was presented on behalf of his colleagues and peers; but … Read more

Governor General’s Silver Medal: Darryl Wilson beat the odds to become UFV’s top undergrad student

Article written by Darren McDonald [UFV Today] – June 5, 2017 At age 16, Darryl Wilson was preparing to live on his own. Now 26, he’s one of UFV’s top students. Imagine what’s next. A decade ago Wilson found himself on a Youth Agreement, a provincial government program for kids that otherwise don’t make it … Read more

WildSafeBC Community Coordinator Position – Closing Date JULY 3rd

Location: Chilliwack WildSafeBC’s mission is to reduce the number of human – wildlife conflicts in communities through education, innovation, and cooperation. JOB DESCRIPTION WildSafeBC Community Coordinators are responsible for the delivery of the WildSafeBC program in their community. This position requires maturity, self-reliance and the ability to work alone for long periods of time with … Read more