Faculty of Science Dean’s Seminar Series presents Dr. Gwen Point SEPT 28 @ 1:30 PM

As part of our Faculty of Science Dean’s Seminar Series, please join us in welcoming Dr. Gwen Point, UFV Chancellor Dear Canada as you Celebrate 150: REFLECTIONS FROM A FIRST NATION’S PERSPECTIVE All Canadians must know the recent history in Canada. Only then, can we collectively make change for a better future for everyone. ~ … Read more

Science Faculty Council Student Nominations 2017/2018

[box]The Science Faculty Council is looking for nominations for 2 Student Representatives for a ONE YEAR term.[/box] The Mandate of the Science Faculty Council (SFC) shall: serve as the forum for sharing information and the discussion of academic matters receive recommendations related to academic programs, including but not limited to: development of new programs, program … Read more

Chemists Do Cook Under Pressure!

UFV Lab Technician Aileen Ablog is jumping into the Ketogenic Pressure Cooker with both feet and staying healthy! The Faculty of Science is excited to announce that Aileen’s new book “Ketogenic Pressure Cooker: 100 Quick and Easy Recipes for Delicious Nutrient-Packed Low Carb Meals” has been published! This is the first book to combine the … Read more

Zucchet still striving – from e-cigarette research to sexual assault assistance

2016 BSc Graduate and Governor General’s Silver Medal Recipient, Alyssa Zucchet, just published her first co-authored research paper, and that’s just the beginning. Investigating the health risks of smoking electronic cigarettes with UFV biology Associate Professor Gregory Schmaltz, Alyssa Zucchet “wanted to know what people were getting themselves into.” Despite her heavy workload, Zucchet still … Read more

(T) LIYSF Day 13: Can I become the Queen of England?

We started the day off with specialist lectures. I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Gemma Bale, a Research Associate in the Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory at University College London speak about the research she is conducting. She is working on the development of a new type of medical imaging that uses near-infrared waves to … Read more

LIYSF Day 14: Goodbye (P)

Hi everyone, Today had fun moments, but had a melancholy undertone. We started the day with the “Participant’s Forum”, where a few representative students argued for and against three hot topics in science. Topics included “Should individuals or institutions get credit for research?”, “Should we fund research with no specific goal in mind?”, and “Is … Read more

(T) LIYSF Day 12: The day I almost stole the Crown Jewels

The tower of London is really well run. If you ever have the chance, I would really recommend the trip. I spent the day with a girl from New Zealand walking through the battlements and the Crown Jewel exhibit. Unfortunately you weren’t allowed to take photos in the gallery with the jewels but we walked … Read more

(T) LIYSF Day 11: Space, shopping and synthesis

This morning we woke up and attended a lecture from Professor Mark McCaughrean who told us about the European Space Agency (ESA) and the work they have been doing over the past few years. I found the lecture really interesting, especially enjoying some of the films that he showed us. One in particular showed us … Read more

LIYSF Day 13: Kings, Queens…and Karaoke (P)

Hi Everyone, I can’t believe that LIYSF is about to end. Well, I can…my body is very tired, but the weeks have flown by. I’ll definitely miss the new friends I’ve made, and hope to see them again someday. Today started with our final set of specialist lectures. I learned about emotional recognition in computers … Read more