Designing Out Crime

The book Eliminating Crime (Cohen et al., 2014) focused on seven strategies the police could employ to reduce crime. Despite our confidence in the importance of those strategies and the ability of police to execute them, we are aware that the police alone cannot make crime go away. Crime prevention is a societal matter that relies on a commitment from the entire … Read more

Targeted Residential Fire Risk Reduction: A Summary of At-Risk Aboriginal Areas in Canada

Despite the steady reduction in rates of fire that have been witnessed in Canada in recent years, ongoing research has demonstrated that there continue to be striking inequalities in the way in which fire risk is distributed through society. It is well-established that residential dwelling fires are not distributed evenly through society, but that certain … Read more

Occupational Health and Safety at Surrey Engineering Operations: An Examination of Frequency, Severity, and Temporal Aspects

Engineering Operations is responsible for the maintenance of the City of Surrey’s municipal infrastructure, and employs a range of staff from administrators and clerks to tradespersons and labourers. These employees are essential to the efficient operation of Engineering Operations, and their exposure to risk of injury is largely based on their job roles and responsibilities. … Read more

Life Safety Systems, Fire Department Intervention, and Residential Fire Outcomes: Analysis of 28 Years of BC Fire Incident Reports: 1988-2015

This report examines 42,701 residential1 fire incidents reported to the British Columbia (BC) Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC) between 1988 and 2015, inclusive (22.4% of the 190,564 fire incidents reported over this time). The high-level purpose of this analysis was to examine the significance of the method of fire control and fire safety systems … Read more

Assessing the Safety of Smart Meter Installations in British Columbia: Analysis of Residential Structure Fires in BC between July 2010 and June 2016

In June 2011, BC Hydro commenced implementation of its Smart Metering Program, which involved converting every residential property in British Columbia from legacy metering to wireless technology smart meters. This Smart Metering Program involves replacing existing electrical meters that are now becoming obsolete, with a comprehensive wireless smart metering system. In total, BC Hydro has … Read more

Targeted Residential Fire Risk Reduction: A Summary of At-Risk Areas in Tennessee

Reducing fires and saving lives is a mandate for all Fire Services. Globally, many departments have implemented door to door campaigns to educate their citizens on fire reduction and safety (TriData, 2009). However, focusing on an entire community is expensive, time consuming, and overall, an inefficient use of limited resources. A 2007 TriData report on … Read more

Illuminating the Hazards of Residential Marijuana Grow Operations

Much has changed in the marijuana-production landscape in the United States and Canada in recent years, from the expanding legalization and decriminalization of marijuana use in the U.S. to changes in Canada’s regulation of how medical marijuana may be grown and sold. Amid these changes, recent research shows that growing marijuana within a residential setting … Read more

Targeted Residential Fire Risk Reduction: A Summary of At-Risk Aboriginal Areas in Manitoba

In 2007, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) released a report on “Fire Prevention in Aboriginal Communities”. Within the paper it was noted that the “First Nations per capita fire incidence rate is 2.4 times the per capita rate for the rest of Canada. The death rate is 10.4 times greater; the fire injury … Read more

正确决策: 政府工作人员基于证据的决策指南

本练习册是为了配合教材《正确决策:政府工作人员基于证据的决策指南》使用 而编写的。您可以把本册当成自学指 南,或者在课堂或者工作坊的环境下使 用。虽然教材中归纳的技巧种有许多单 独使用纸笔或者电脑就可以进行有效的 练习,但是更多的技巧在集体环境中效 果最佳。比如环境扫描和SWOT(优势,劣势,机会和威胁)分析就更加适合小 组练习。

正确决策: 政府工作人员基于证据的决策指南

就职于市级,省级或者联邦政府的工作 人员,都在为所处区域的居民提供高效 率的服务。无论是帮助公众的前台人 员,或是帮助执政官员制定有效的政策 和项目的幕后人员都是如此。政府工作 人员-公务员-是健全的政府的一个关 键组成部分。这些工作人员以促使政府 以及其政策有效运行为己任,帮助完善 民用项目,并确保其按照计划实行。