Accidents De Vehicules De La GRC: Etude Nationale 2004-2005

Pour prévenir les accidents de véhicules automobiles et réduire le nombre de membres de la GRC qui en subissent, il faut comprendre les facteurs qui contribuent le plus souvent { ce genre d’événement. Certes, lorsqu’un de ses véhicules a un accident, la police mène toujours une enquête sur les circonstances, mais ces accidents n’ont jamais … Read more

A Review of Online Gambling Literature

Gambling is an activity that involves placing a wager with something of significance (e.g. money) on an outcome that is uncertain (MacKay, 2004). With the advent of technology and the global popularity of the internet, gambling online has become a popular form of betting. The first online gambling website was initiated in 1995 (American Gaming Association, 2007). Forms … Read more

Barriers to Accessing Treatment for Problem Gambling

Over the past decade, prevalence studies conducted in British Columbia have indicated that up to 4.6% of the general population could be at risk for developing a gambling problem with 0.4% of the population experiencing severe problems (Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, 2003). The population of British Columbia in 2005 slightly exceeded 4.2 million, suggesting that over … Read more

A Review of the Research on the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) Program

An increasing number of children and adolescents in Canada and the United States face a large number of social and psychological risk factors for substance use and abuse, such as alcohol and illicit drugs. These risk factors are challenging children and youth at a younger and younger age. According to Haans and Hotton (2004), there … Read more

Les Laboratoires De Drogue Clandestins En Colombie-Britannique

Le présent rapport décrit les résultats d’une étude menée dans le but d’en apprendre davantage à propos des opérations de production de drogue synthétique – de méthamphétamine en particulier – en Colombie-Britannique. Cette étude tente de brosser un tableau de certaines caractéristiques des laboratoires clandestins de production de drogue découverts par la police ces dernières … Read more