Surrey RCMP Ride Along Study – Surrey Nutrition Report

Good nutrition is important to staying healthy. This is especially important if your job requires you to be physically fit. Given their mandate, police officers must have a readiness to respond quickly and sometimes lastingly to extremely taxing physical situations (Anderson and Plecas, 2008; Anderson, Plecas, & Segger, 2001). Moreover, police work can be extremely … Read more

Reducing Recidivism in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence typically refers to physical, verbal, emotional, and/or psychological violence between intimate partners (Dutton, 2009; Johnson, 2006), and is a common societal phenomenon, affecting approximately one-third of women in their lifetime (Statistics Canada, 2009; Nathens, Kernic, Holt, & Rivara, 2004). Equally significant, recidivism among offenders is relatively common and often occurs soon after the … Read more

Why The Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team (IMPACT)

Since 2003, auto theft has decreased substantially across Canada (Wallace, 2003; Dauvergne and Turner, 2010). In fact, auto theft has had the largest rate of decline in police-reported crime trends with a decrease of 17,000 auto thefts from 2008 to 2009 (Dauvergne and Turner, 2010). Still, over the past decade, British Columbia, and in particular … Read more

The Nature and Extent of Marihuana Growing Operations in Mission British Columbia: A 14 Year Review (1997-2010)

This report describes the nature and extent of marihuana growing operations in Mission British Columbia. The report is based on an examination of operations coming to the attention of police over the 14 year period of January 01, 1997 to the end of 2010. Using the same methodology of the 2002 research conducted by Plecas … Read more

The Incidence and Fear of Transit Crime: A Review of the Literature

Transit crime and the fear of transit crime are two of the more under researched areas in the field of crime prevention (Poinster, 1996; Newton, Johnson, & Bowers, 2004; Loukaitou-Sideris and Fink, 2009). This is the case with respect to both the actual incidence of crime along transit corridors (Newton, 2004) and the public’s perception … Read more

The Increasing Problem of Electrical Consumption in Indoor Marihuana Grow Operations in British Columbia

The production of marihuana is a criminal activity that is very profitable for offenders and harmful to communities (Plecas, Diplock, & Garis, 2009). Growers in British Columbia commonly set up their operations indoors, in homes, and other buildings to avoid detection and to cultivate plants year round. Moreover, indoor buildings allow growers the opportunity to … Read more

Understanding and Reducing RCMP Motor Vehicle Collisions

Despite training to handle the operation of motor vehicles under a variety of road, weather, and situational conditions, a substantial proportion of police vehicles are involved in collisions on an annual basis (Becker, Zaloshnja, Levick, Li, & Miller, 2003; Lundalv, Philipson, & Sarre, 2010). This is not unexpected given that police officers typically spend half … Read more