Characteristics of Offenders Arrested on Outstanding Warrants by BC Transit Police Officers 2013

The purpose of this research note is to describe the population of individuals arrested by BC Transit Police officers on outstanding warrants. This analysis is based on the 606 arrests for outstanding warrants made by BC Transit Police officers in 2011. Of these 606 arrests, 72% were as a result of officers simply doing fare … Read more

Surrey Fire Services’ Attendance Management Program

The Surrey Fire Service introduced an Attendance Management Program (AMP) in 2003 to reduce employee absenteeism. The program outlines a procedure for managing unsatisfactory staff attendance, using a series of progressive steps that include letters, counseling and positive reinforcement. The first of its kind in the province, the program was a response to a gradual … Read more

Taller Wood Buildings and Fire Safety

Recently, Vancouver architect, Michael Green, issued a report entitled Tall Wood, arguing that skyscrapers and other tall buildings should use more wood as a primary construction material. His argument is that wood is up to the task, is less polluting, and is more environmentally sustainable than the materials currently used. Green’s (2012) buildings would employ … Read more

What the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations Overlook

The Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR), which are currently administered by Health Canada, permit Canadians access to marihuana for medical use provided they have been deemed to require this medical treatment by a physician. The MMAR enable individuals to grow marihuana for themselves, empower a third- party to grow marihuana on their behalf, or purchase … Read more

Fires that Commence on Balconies of Multi-Residential Buildings

The purpose of this study was to examine the significance of fires that occur on the exterior of multi-residential buildings. This research was motivated by the findings of previous investigations into sprinkler systems and the storage of propane in these types of buildings, which suggested there are existing vulnerabilities associated with fires that commence in … Read more

Report on the Feasibility of a Canadian National Fire Information Database

This document examines the feasibility of creating a National Fire Information Database for Canada. In pursuing this, we examined what data are currently collected and the structure of organizations responsible for maintaining national databases in other countries. Because of the allocation of jurisdictional responsibilities relating to the services provided by fire departments in Canada, creating, … Read more

Revisiting The Issues Around Commercially Viable Indoor Marihuana Growing Operations in British Columbia

Media reports of law enforcement efforts targeted at marihuana growing operations or ‘grow ops’ in British Columbia has come to be so common in recent years we can appreciate why many people might have started taking them for granted. Indeed, any new media report about grow ops almost seems like old news. Further, while these … Read more