A Review of the Research Literature on the Individual-Level Theories of Homicide

In a previous report, national, regional, and neighbourhood theories of homicide were reviewed and its related research was analyzed to better understand street or public homicides in Canadian urban contexts (Corrado and Cohen, 2014). One of the main themes from the report was that, despite the importance of these risk factors, they did not explain … Read more

In the Best Interests of the Child: Strategies for Recognizing and Supporting Canada’s At-Risk Population of Children with Incarcerated Parents

Children whose parents are incarcerated have been acknowledged internationally as a vulnerable population facing serious challenges. In 2011, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child convened a Day of General Discussion on Children with Incarcerated Parents during which it was stressed that the best interests of children must be considered throughout the … Read more

‘Measuring Up’: A Self Examination of Police Receptivity to the Extrajudicial Measures Referral Database

Canada is a global frontrunner in using extrajudicial measures to deal with non-serious youth offenses. As opposed to dealing with a youth offence through the formal criminal justice system, police officers can use extrajudicial measures to divert youth into alternative programs to hold them accountable and to assist them in making better choices. Specifically, when … Read more

La sécurité incendie sur les chantiers: Guide pour la construction de grands immeubles

C’est à l’étape de la construction que les bâtiments sont le plus vulnérables aux incendies. De nombreux incendies à grande échelle se sont déclarés sur des chantiers de construction au Canada ces dernières années. Soulignons par exemple ceux qui sont survenus à Calgary (Alberta) en mars 2015, à ingston (Ontario) en décembre 2013 et à … Read more

La Lutte Contre les Incendies sur les Chantiers de Construction: Prévention et Suppression des Incendies Pendant la Construction de Grands Bâtiments

Les chantiers de construction présentent des difficultés différentes à celles des bâtiments terminés pour les services d’incendie. La phase de construction est l’étape la plus dangereuse de toute la durée de vie d’un bâtiment, ceci à cause des divers risques qui lui sont inhérents, notamment:  

Construction Site Fire Safety

Buildings face the greatest risk from fires during the construction phase. In recent years, there have been several examples across Canada of major construction site fires, including those in Calgary, Alberta in March 2015, Kingston, Ontario in December 2013 and Richmond, British Columbia in 2011.