正确决策: 警务专业人员基于证据的决策指南

虽然警务部门的首要职责一直以来都没 有改变——即保护人民的生命和财产安 全——但是,警方该如何履行自己的职 责这一问题变得日益复杂。在过去的20 年间,犯罪率在整体上有所下降,但是 公众要求警方进行响应的方面却越来越 多。要处理这些报警电话通常需要更为 先进的设备和接受过相应专业训练的人 才。而且,很多辖区还要求他们的警察 部门将自己的职能与其他紧急情况响应 部门相结合,包括消防和医疗急救服务 等。

The Value of Resources in Solving Homicides: The Difference Between Gang Related and Non-Gang Related Cases

In order to solve homicides, there are a number of important factors that contribute to the police’s likelihood of success, such as the amount of time the investigation requires, the presence of witnesses and witness cooperation, the type of weapon, and the relationship between the offender and the victim. Some of these issues are more … Read more

Challenges Associated with Interpreting and Using Police Clearance Rates

Police-reported crime statistics include frequency of criminal incidents, the severity of incidents, and the solve rate of incidents (Statistics Canada, 2011). These statistics are collected nationally on a monthly basis from over 1,200 different police departments in Canada, and are used to determine the overall crime and clearance rates annually reported to the public in … Read more

RCMP Code of Conduct Cases in British Columbia: A Five Year Review 2005-2009

This report is in response to a request from the RCMP’s E Division Professional Standards Unit to conduct a statistical review of Code of Conduct allegations against RCMP members in British Columbia. Specifically, the request was to describe the nature and extent of recent Code of Conduct allegations against RCMP members in British Columbia. The … Read more

Marked vs. Unmarked Patrol Vehicles

There is no shortage of police science literature focusing on the patrol vehicle. While considerable research has been devoted to the crime reduction effect of patrol in general, the examination of one versus two manned vehicles, the color scheme of patrol cars, and even the feasibility of converting to propane, there is an absence of … Read more