Determinants of Injury and Death in Canadian Police Officers

This research note examined the nature and causes of injuries and fatalities among Canadian police officers through an analysis of the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada injury and fatality time loss claims databases. The data for this research note derived from the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada injury and fatality time … Read more

An Analysis of the Socio-Economic and Sociodemographic Contributors to Intimate Partner Violence in RCMP Jurisdictions in British Columbia

This report examines the rate and response to intimate partner violence in 33 RCMP jurisdictions in British Columbia (BC) between January and December 2016, with an analysis of trends between 2011 – 2015 . Several lines of inquiry were considered to better understand intimate partner violence. In particular, the contextual variances that differentiate not just … Read more

A Literature Review on Illegal Firearms

According to the RCMP Firearms Operations and Enforcement Support, there were a total of 1,889 firearms offences in British Columbia in 2015, a decrease from 2,303 firearms offences in 2014 (RCMP Firearms Operations and Enforcement Support, 2016). This involved a wide range of offences, including robbery with a firearm, careless use of a firearm, the … Read more

The Right Decision: Evidence-based Decision Making for Police Service Professionals – Workbook

This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the text, The Right Decision: Evidence-based Decision Making for Police Service Professionals. It can be used as a self-study guide or in either a classroom or workshop setting. While many of the techniques outlined in the text can be used very effectively by an individual working with a paper and pencil or a … Read more

The Right Decision: Evidence-based Decision Making for Police Service Professionals

While the primary function of police departments has remained consistent over time—to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property— how departments deliver their services is becoming more complex. Crime rates have generally declined over the past two decades, but the public is increasingly asking police departments to respond to a broader range … Read more

Enhancing Surrey RCMP Detachment’s Domestic Violence Unit

Violence against women is a global concern, so much so that in 1993 the United Nations issued a Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women in which they defined violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including … Read more

An Assessment of Surrey RCMP’S Use of Automatic License Plate Recognition Technology

Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) or Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)1, as it is better known outside of North America, is a echnological system that uses cameras to scan and capture alphanumerical images of vehicle license plates that, for law enforcement purposes, can be compared against a number of police databases to identify vehicles and persons of interest … Read more

A Review of Surrey RCMP Detachment Motor Vehicle Collisions

It is now widely understood that police motor vehicle pursuits exponentially increase the potential  for injury and death for the police, the suspect, and the general public (Becknell, Mays, & Giever,  1999; Best, 2002; Crundall, Shenton, & Underwood, 2004; Docking, Bucke, Grace, & Dady, 2007;  Hoffmann & Mazerolle, 2005; Johnson & Dolan, 2014; Payne & … Read more

An Assessment of Surrey RCMP’S Continuous Improvement Team

Two of the current challenges facing police agencies are a reduction in resources coupled with the increasing complexity of crime (National Policing Improvement Agency, 2011; Crompton, 2014). Moreover, in many jurisdictions, police are being asked to respond to greater public demand for service than in the past (Fryer, Antony, and Douglas, 2007). Due to this, many police agencies … Read more

A Review of the Research Literature on the Individual-Level Theories of Homicide

In a previous report, national, regional, and neighbourhood theories of homicide were reviewed and its related research was analyzed to better understand street or public homicides in Canadian urban contexts (Corrado and Cohen, 2014). One of the main themes from the report was that, despite the importance of these risk factors, they did not explain … Read more