Taller Wood Buildings and Fire Safety

Recently, Vancouver architect, Michael Green, issued a report entitled Tall Wood, arguing that skyscrapers and other tall buildings should use more wood as a primary construction material. His argument is that wood is up to the task, is less polluting, and is more environmentally sustainable than the materials currently used. Green’s (2012) buildings would employ … Read more

Fires that Commence on Balconies of Multi-Residential Buildings

The purpose of this study was to examine the significance of fires that occur on the exterior of multi-residential buildings. This research was motivated by the findings of previous investigations into sprinkler systems and the storage of propane in these types of buildings, which suggested there are existing vulnerabilities associated with fires that commence in … Read more

Report on the Feasibility of a Canadian National Fire Information Database

This document examines the feasibility of creating a National Fire Information Database for Canada. In pursuing this, we examined what data are currently collected and the structure of organizations responsible for maintaining national databases in other countries. Because of the allocation of jurisdictional responsibilities relating to the services provided by fire departments in Canada, creating, … Read more

A Review of the Research Literature on 24-Hour Shifts for Firefighters

On January 24, 2012, more than 100 firefighters in Washington, DC walked out of their Fire Chief’s “State of the Department” address over the Chief’s desire to move his department away from the traditional 24-hour on, 72-hour off shift schedule to a 12-hour shift model (D.C. Firefighters Protest Chief’s Proposed Shift Change, January 25, 2012). … Read more

Evaluating Stakeholder Concerns with Wood Frame Buildings and Fire Risk (French version)

Le présent rapport évalue les préoccupations d’intervenants clés relativement au Projet de loi 52 d’initiative parlementaire, Loi de 2012 sur la revitalisation de l’industrie forestière de l’Ontario (hauteur des bâtiments à ossature de bois) (Projet de loi 52), actuellement à l’étude par l’Assemblée législative de l’Ontario.