Assessing the Safety of Smart Meter Installations in British Columbia: Analysis of Residential Structure Fires in BC Between July 2010 and June 2015

In June 2011, BC Hydro commenced implementation of its Smart Metering Program, which involved converting every residential property in BC from legacy metering to wireless technology smart meters. This Smart Metering Program involves replacing existing electrical meters that are now becoming obsolete, with a comprehensive wireless smart metering system. As of June 30, 2015, an estimated 1.921 million smart … Read more

Firefighters and Cancer: Understanding Risk Factors within an Environment of Change

Numerous scientific studies have documented higher incidence and mortality rates of various forms of cancer among firefighters with some studies examining causative forces and others emphasizing prevention strategies (Daniels, 2014; Daniels, 2015; Pukkala, 2014; ZeigEowens, 2011; Ma, 2006; LeMasters, 2006). This growing body of literature has fuelled various policy discourses related to wellness programs, improved … Read more

Firefighter Wood Product and Building Systems Awareness: A Resource Guide

The construction industry continues to be a growing economic sector in Canada. Within this market, various stakeholders are exploring traditional building products as well as innovating with these and other products. Numerous jurisdictions are exploring reformative measures that have the potential to enhance opportunities for the wood industry to respond to various economic, sustainability, environmental, … Read more

Firefighter Injuries in British Columbia: An Examination of Frequency, Severity, Locational and Temporal aspects

When firefighter injuries occur, especially at the fire-ground, they tend to evoke heightened media attention as well as public concern and interest. While these concerns are understandable given the potential for injuries and casualties at the fire-ground or at other emergency incidents, such concerns must be placed into context. Firefighter injuries may potentially lead to … Read more

La sécurité incendie sur les chantiers: Guide pour la construction de grands immeubles

C’est à l’étape de la construction que les bâtiments sont le plus vulnérables aux incendies. De nombreux incendies à grande échelle se sont déclarés sur des chantiers de construction au Canada ces dernières années. Soulignons par exemple ceux qui sont survenus à Calgary (Alberta) en mars 2015, à ingston (Ontario) en décembre 2013 et à … Read more

La Lutte Contre les Incendies sur les Chantiers de Construction: Prévention et Suppression des Incendies Pendant la Construction de Grands Bâtiments

Les chantiers de construction présentent des difficultés différentes à celles des bâtiments terminés pour les services d’incendie. La phase de construction est l’étape la plus dangereuse de toute la durée de vie d’un bâtiment, ceci à cause des divers risques qui lui sont inhérents, notamment:  

Construction Site Fire Safety

Buildings face the greatest risk from fires during the construction phase. In recent years, there have been several examples across Canada of major construction site fires, including those in Calgary, Alberta in March 2015, Kingston, Ontario in December 2013 and Richmond, British Columbia in 2011.