Assessing the Safety of Smart Meter Installations in British Columbia

The purpose of this report is to analyze key questions raised in the deployment of smart meters by BC Hydro in the Province of British Columbia (BC). The deployment of smart meters commenced in mid- 2011 and at the time of producing this report it is estimated approximately 1.5 million smart meters have been installed: approximately 83% of the total that will be installed upon completion of this exercise. A range of issues have been publicly discussed with respect to smart meters, the most recent of which has drawn links between these new apparatus and residential structure fires. As a result, two specific questions have emerged:

  1. Has there been a noticeable change in the frequency of residential structure fires caused by electricity in the province that may be associated with the deployment of smart meters?
  2. Has there been a noticeable change in the frequency of residential fires in the province in the presence of a marijuana grow operation?

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