Kamloops Public Safety Survey: A Comparison between 2006 and 2008

This report presents the results of a public safety survey conducted by the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of the Fraser Valley for the Kamloops Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The survey is the second of two public surveys conducted by the University of the Fraser Valley for the Kamloops RCMP, the first of which was conducted in October, 2006. Like the first survey, the second one describes Kamloops residents’ feelings about their own personal safety and the nature and extent of any victimization(s) in the most recent year. Conducted in March of 2008, the survey also sought to determine residents’ level of satisfaction with the Kamloops RCMP. The survey involved mailing a questionnaire to 1070 randomly selected Kamloops residents, 42% of whom responded. The earlier survey involved a mailing to 1175 residents, 48% of who responded. The methodology employed for both surveys is identical.


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