Banner showing a group of people sitting at a table and standing at a white board, actively having a discussion.

New Research: The Materiality of Mental Health at the Morrissey World War I Internment Camp

Assistant Professor (School of Culture, Media and Society) and CHASI Faculty Associate Dr. Sarah Beaulieu has published a new article in Historical Archaeology. Titled “The Materiality of Mental Health at the Morrissey World War I Internment Camp,” Dr. Beaulieu’s research focuses on the Morrissey Internment Camp, one of Canada’s 24 World War I internment camps, … Read more

CHASI’s experts

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The CHASI team includes experts in a wide range of academic disciplines under our wide umbrella of community health and social innovation. Below you’ll find a listing of some of our knowledgeable researchers, their areas of expertise, and an email where you can reach them. Dr. Satwinder Bains Email: Expertise: Race, racism and ethnicity … Read more

A fond farewell to Esther Jiménez Atochero

Yesterday CHASI’s senior research assistant, Esther Jiménez Atochero, completed her final day in the CHASI Hub. Esther has been an integral part of CHASI since its earliest inception, and CHASI would not be what it is today without her dedication and hard work. Esther is departing to Ottawa to begin a master’s program at Carlton … Read more

Dr. Sarah Beaulieu receives tenure-track appointment

The entire CHASI team offers our wholehearted congratulations to Dr. Sarah Beaulieu on her well-deserved tenure-track appointment to the School of Culture, Media and Society. As an anthropologist with a research focus in modern conflict anthropology, Dr. Beaulieu’s work is key to understanding facets of Canadian history that have remained in the shadows for too … Read more

Impact of COVID-19 on Post-Secondary Students: A Systematic Review of Institutional Reports

Screenshot of a digital infographic titled “Thematic Analysis”. The infographic shows stats on the reports compiled, coming from 58 schools, 170,616 students, 31 institutions, and 21 months. Categorical breakdowns show there is information included on health and wellness, academic achievement, student life, and faculty and university.

The British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT) has recently launched an interactive dashboard to share the results of a national study conducted by CHASI on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on post-secondary students. The analysis includes a repository of publicly available COVID-19 student impact reports, a cross-national literature review, thematic analysis of … Read more

CHASIcast: Esther Jiménez Atochero on making a difference in a messy world

On our latest episode of the CHASIcast, we have the pleasure of speaking with a critical member of the CHASI team: our very own Esther Jiménez Atochero. Esther is CHASI’s senior research assistant, a role that sees her heavily involved in everything from the day-to-day operation of the Hub to our biggest research projects. In … Read more

Channeling Youth Voices panel at SFU’s HORIZONS Conference

On Friday, May 27, Channeling Youth Voices, a year-long participatory research collaboration between CHASI researchers and Chilliwack youth, presented as part of a roundtable in the Community Engaged Research Initiative’s HORIZONS conference at SFU, hosting a documentary screening and panel discussion on their work over the last year and a half. The panel consisted of … Read more

CHASI student experiences

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CHASI works with a number of student research assistants and interns, each of whom serves a key role in CHASI’s mission to support the social, mental, emotional, physical, and economic health of those living in our communities. Here’s what some of our student coworkers have shared about their experiences. Ekaterina Marenkov — Research Assistant “I … Read more

Dr. Sharanjit Kaur Sandhra advocates spaces of belonging on the CHASIcast

Photo of Dr. Sandhra speaking into a professional microphone in the CIVL Radio studies.

The CHASIcast is back! Continuing on our trend of speaking to great friends and colleagues of CHASI, like Dr. Jacqueline Nolte, we turn this time to Dr. Sharanjit Kaur Sandhra. Dr. Sandhra has been the coordinator for UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute for over a decade, is the co-curator at the Sikh Heritage Museum, co-chair … Read more