Employee Fitness Challenge Ends (for now) but back September 1, 2021 Bigger & Better!

As a component of UFV’s Organizational Health Strategy, the Employee Fitness Challenge: Strive to Thrive kicked off on January 1, 2021 and was intended as a motivational tool to help keep us connected and engaged in our effort to achieve and maintain our employee’s overall wellness. Employees were encouraged to participate in any activity that … Read more

Interior Air Quality at UFV

Submitted by Guest Blogger, Mark Goudsblom, Director, Campus Planning and Facilities Management As UFV plans towards a full return of students, faculty and staff on campus this fall, one item the Facilities Management department is being very mindful of is the building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The leading authority on such systems … Read more

Mark Pearson Shares His Reasons for Joining our Employee Fitness Challenge — Strive to Thrive

Thank you Mark for being so candid with us and sharing your wellness struggles. I’m sure your story resonates with so many of us and your tips and techniques for dealing with them are very informative and helpful. Human Resources is always here to work with our employees to get them the support and guidance … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge – Indigenous Health & Wellness Practices

The Employee Fitness Challenge is super excited to invite you to an exciting session with Shyama-Priya who will lead us through a one-hour session at 11:30 am on Wednesday, April 14. The Zoom link has been sent to all the the Fitness Challenge members, but anyone is welcome so email me at nancy.scarrow@ufv.ca if you’d … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge Update Mar 22-28, 2021

Good morning everyone. I hope the past week was productive and enjoyable for you. I am a little concerned that I am not engaging you enough and providing enough opportunities for you to work on your wellness. Of the 192 members of this group, only 63 of you submitted progress reports this week (33%) and … Read more

A Balancing Act: The Impact of the Pandemic on Women’s Mental Well-Being and Physical Activity

Thank you to Dr. Iris Lesser who submitted this very interesting and thought-provoking article which coincides perfectly with International Women’s Day. As women and mothers we really do need to take care of ourselves physically and mentally — you cannot serve from an empty vessel. I am personally going to challenge myself to take a … Read more

Employee Appreciation Day — March 5

Friday, March 5 is a day for companies to thank their employees for their hard work and effort throughout the year. This day was created for the purpose of strengthening the bond between employer and employee. Because our employees are our greatest asset, the Human Resources department wants to express to you how much we … Read more