“Who’s Who in Science” featuring Dr. Lin Long, Engineering and Physics

Who’s who in Science … Dr. Lin Long joined UFV in 2010. She is the Co-chair of the EPDM Program in the Physics Department. She teaches engineering courses in the EPDM program and first-year physics courses. Personal I grew up on an island surrounded by rivers in the middle region of China. My father was … Read more

Science Rocks! The 2016 Aboriginal Youth Camp!

There was so much fun had at the Science Rocks Aboriginal Youth Camp last week it would make your hair stand up! 24 kids from Grades 4 – 7 signed up for a week of fun activities and found out how cool science really is! Thanks to Ian Affleck and our Science Rocks! Team Leaders, … Read more

LIYSF Day 10: Lectures, Museums, and the International Cabaret

The best part about today was its extraordinary diversity. I started the day off with a lecture on combating blindness, followed it up with an engaging lecture involving loud chemical reactions, spent the afternoon at the Natural History Museum, and finally, had an unforgettable evening at the International Cabaret.  I thought I would start off … Read more

LIYSF Day 8: Specialist Study Day & The British Council

Today at LIYSF 2016, we spent the entire day with particular specialists from different fields of science. I chose to hear Professor Clare Elwell speak about her work on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and how it applies to brain imaging. Professor Elwell was a student herself at LIYSF thirty two years ago! Now, she is a professor in Medical Physics at the University College … Read more