LIYSF Day 10: Engineering, Chemistry, and the Cabaret (P)

Hi everyone, The days are starting to blur together now. Lack of sleep and constant activity is definitely reducing my ability to do…anything, really. Such as post blog posts on time. Or remember what happened on which day (I wrote a paragraph about the Culham Fusion Centre before realizing I’d already written about it) But … Read more

LIYSF Day 9: Fusion, Oxford, and Duct Tape (P)

Hi everyone, Today, I visited the Culham Fusion Centre. Unlike many Nuclear Fusion research centres, they accepted the joke that “Nuclear Fusion has been 30 years away for the last 60 years”. However, they provided an explanation: Material science is bottlenecking progress, not the underlying physics, so all we need is more engineers working on … Read more

LIYSF Day 6: Numberphile and the Great Crossword Treasure Hunt (P)

Hi everyone, Today was a very interesting day, but this post won’t be very long; I have to be awake at 5:00am tomorrow. I’ve also had to spend a significant amount of time this evening with a difficult UFV political situation; I’m not pleased that it has cropped up. Today started with joining a small … Read more