CHASI student experiences

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CHASI works with a number of student research assistants and interns, each of whom serves a key role in CHASI’s mission to support the social, mental, emotional, physical, and economic health of those living in our communities. Here’s what some of our student coworkers have shared about their experiences. Ekaterina Marenkov — Research Assistant “I … Read more

Chilliwack youth share their stories in collaboration with CHASI

Photos young people watching a documentary, talking, listening, and enjoying a meal together.

This week, Channeling Youth Voices, a year-long participatory research collaboration between CHASI researchers and Chilliwack youth, hosted a celebratory thank-you dinner for all the youth involved in the project. The event was put on at the Chilliwack Cyrus Centre by youth, for youth, and featured a documentary co-created by eight Chilliwack youth and CHASI’s Greg … Read more

CHASI in the news

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CHASI’s research and researchers have been covered by local outlets and some of the biggest news organizations in the world. To narrow down the list, you can click on the column headings and sort or filter by specific topics or criteria.

An Exciting Future for Celina Koops

Photo of Celina Koops

Today is a bittersweet day at CHASI as our wonderful graphic design/illustration intern Celina Koops leaves to begin a new career with Indigenous Youth Wellness. For more than a year, Celina has been an integral part of not just the CHASI team, but also of CHASI’s identity. After creating dozens of illustrations, animations, and graphics, … Read more

CHASI Art Exhibit: Faces of Resilience

CHASI is proud to share our first art exhibit, Faces of Resilience. This collection of work from our talented graphic design intern, Celina Koops, now hangs in the Hub, bringing a new life to our space. Reflecting on Faces of Resilience, Celina writes: The artwork presented celebrates more than just diversity and resilience. Each piece … Read more

CBC and BBC documentaries feature CHASI researcher

Photo of Dr. Sarah Beaulieu pushing a Ground Penetrating Radar device

In May 2021, CHASI Faculty Associate Dr. Beaulieu conducted a ground penetrating radar investigation at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School which revealed 200 “targets of interest” — potentially human burial sites. Those findings led to significant international media attention on Canada’s residential school system and the stories of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation. … Read more

CHASI researcher unearths Canadian WWI internment history

Dr. Sarah Beaulieu examines an artefact

Over 100 years ago, Anne Sadelain’s father was imprisoned at a First World War internment camp in B.C.’s Monashee Mountains. Today, UFV’s CHASI research centre releases a documentary telling her story, and the story of an archaeologist uncovering the history of the Monashee camp. Dr. Sarah Beaulieu, a Community Health and Social Innovation hub Faculty … Read more

CHASI calls on the international community to support Afghanistan

Photo of Chelsea Novakowski and Afghan women skating outdoors on a snow-covered frozen lake, with brown stone cliffs in the background.

In light of this weekend’s news that the Taliban has overthrown the government of Afghanistan, CHASI joins the call for the international community to act with immediacy and urgency to ensure the significant gains the Afghan people have made in recent years are not lost. Canada has committed to resettling 20,000 Afghans, and pledged to … Read more

UFV researcher confirmed presumed unmarked graves at Kamloops Residential School

Photo of Dr. Sarah Beaulieu pushing a Ground Penetrating Radar machine in a wooded area, while people with clipboards observe and take notes.

Dr. Sarah Beaulieu, a University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) anthropologist, presented a summary of her ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigation to media Thursday morning at an event held by Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, highlighting 200 “targets of interest” of what are likely to indicate human burials. The Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation have … Read more