UFV Employee password reset and password re-use

UFV is constantly working to improve our security posture.  Did you know compromised passwords are responsible for 81% of hacking-related incidents?  To protect the security of UFV, our employees, and our students we are working hard to implement modern security practices. Password resets: When an employee is changing their password, we want to ensure they … Read more

Professional Development — year-end deadlines

A message from Human Resources: Professional Development Fund – year-end deadlines for Expense Claims To ensure optimal timing for processing In-Service Professional Development reimbursements for approved PD activities and remote work resources this 20/21 fiscal year, all-expense claims must be submitted no later than Wed, March 31, 2021, to in-service_pd@ufv.ca. Please visit our Human Resources … Read more

Consultation — Posthumous Credential (199) policy

As part of a five-week consultation, the University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback on the Posthumous Credential (199) policy. Please submit your comments to policyconsult@ufv.ca by the deadline 4 pm, Fri Apr 9, 2021. https://www.ufv.ca/secretariat/policies/updates/policy-in-consultation/ For more information, contact Marlene Affleck at marlene.affleck@ufv.ca 04/09/2021

One year in — A COVID-19 milestone

March 15 will mark one year since UFV announced a shift to a remote learning model for the remainder of the winter semester due to the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. This massive shift to studying, teaching, and working from home for the majority of UFV employees and students has been a challenge for … Read more

Amea Wilbur and Raymonde Tickner featured on Global Migration podcast

In the first episode of the second season of the Global Migration podcast “Geographies from the Heart: Life-writing from Newcomers to Canada,” host Mohammed Alsaleh speaks to Dr. Amea Wilbur (University of the Fraser Valley), Raymonde Tickner, and Zahida Rahemtulla. They discuss the power of migration stories and the impact of multiple narratives that emerged … Read more

Risk & Safety and Security Operations Centre move

The department of Risk & Safety and the Security Operations Centre are moving back into its newly renovated spaces. As of February 25 you can find us back in our original offices. Risk & Safety — Abby B122 Security Operations Centre (SOC) — Abby B120 https://www.ufv.ca/risk-and-safety/security/ For more information, contact Mary Miller at mary.miller@ufv.ca 03/26/2021

New Hires, Moves and Changes, February 2021

Welcome to the following new employees, and congratulations to those who have secured a new position. Anthony Adefolaju — Administrator I, Database Pamela Webster — Laboratory Technician, Registered Nursing & Dental Assisting Gordon Jang — Analyst I, Systems moved from Educational Technologist Adriana Striker — Assistant Professor, School of Health Studies, Practical Nursing Sarah Wallin … Read more

UFV pension plans — informational webinars and courses

Faculty enrolled in the College Pension Plan and staff enrolled in the Municipal Pension Plan are encouraged to visit the BC Pension Corporation website and log in to My Account to explore opportunities for member education and personalized information. Both plans offer online courses and webinars at your convenience. https://www.pensionsbc.ca For more information, contact Debbie … Read more

How to request a key

UFV Risk & Safety department has deactivated the keyrequests@ufv.ca email. For all access-related inquires, please email us at security@ufv.ca or call Security at 1-855-239-7654.       03/31/2021

Solar panels to boost power in Building G

Solar panels will be installed on the roof of the Library (G building) on the Abbotsford campus as part of a UFV sustainability initiative. The panels will help lower the university’s carbon footprint and will cut electricity consumption in the building by approximately 17% under peak conditions. Construction timing: Tues, Feb 16-Mon, March 1: Construction … Read more

Share a family photo for Family Day

In honour of Family Day, we’d like to create a photo set of UFV families, to be shared on social media and in the UFV Now enews. If you’d like to participate, send your photo to anne.russell@ufv.ca by Thurs, Feb 12.

Cascades Cafeteria — Weekly Menu

Check out this week’s menu of food being served at the Cascades Cafeteria! This link is updated every week, click here to find out what is offered: https://www.ufv.ca/dining/weekly-menu/ For more information, contact Shauna Spence at shauna.spence@ufv.ca 02/05/2021