Rails, Jails, and Trolleys Film Screening — March 15

Rails, Jails and Trolleys is a South Asian Studies Institute produced documentary. The film presents the history and present-day events on the decline of agriculture in India. Wed, March 15 4-6 pm Chilliwack campus library https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/rails-jails-and-trolleys-film-screening-tickets-526073569207 For more information, contact Jennifer Martel at jennifer.martel@ufv.ca 03/16/2023

ConnectED 2023 — Teaching and Learning Conference at UFV — April 27

UFV Teaching & Learning is excited to host ConnectED 2023 – a day for building connections, engaging in teaching and learning experiences, and creating opportunities for transforming education, one conversation, idea, and action at a time. As bell hooks (2004) reminds us, “the classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy…urging all … Read more

Exploring Digital Imaging — Feb 9-24 in the gallery

February 8- 24, 2023. This exhibition showcases student work developed in MEDA 110 during Fall 2022, with LTA instructor in Media Arts, Marcel Casarini. Students explore the theme of nature using techniques in digital painting, digital imaging, and in printing. S’ELIYEMETAXWTEXW ART GALLERY UNIVERSITY OF THE FRASER VALLEY ROOM B136, B BUILDING Feb 9-24 noon-5 … Read more

National Human Trafficking Awareness Event — Feb 28

The School of Social Work and Human Services, Ally Global, PEARL, SSWA, and South Asian Studies Institute are hosting a human trafficking event to bring awareness regarding human trafficking within Canada and Nepal. The event will include a photovoice, panel discussion, and movie screening (The Twelve Thousand). Tues Feb 28 Noon-2 pm Abby, Building F, … Read more

Science Café

A casual event with expert speakers sharing short presentations on the theme Food Sustainability in the Fraser Valley with Q&A. Science Cafés welcome people who may or may not typically get involved with scientific discussions. Wed, Mar 22 1-3 pm Chilliwack campus library https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/science-cafe-tickets-526112335157 For more information, contact Jennifer Martel at jennifer.martel@ufv.ca 03/23/2023

What’s up with Parliament — Feb 15

The Political Science department cordially invites you to POLITALK SPECIAL LECTURE: What’s up with Parliament As another Parliamentary session begins, the Trudeau Liberal government is faced with a series of policy challenges. From a healthcare system in crisis to rising crime rates and economic hardship caused by inflation, the government has its work cut out … Read more

International Day of Transgender Visibility — March 31

The Student Union Society and UFV’s Pride Collective are hosting the very first Transgender Day of Visibility! Join us on the green for some games, mini donuts, free stuff, live music, information, and resources about how you can support trans people in your community. Fri, March 31 11 am-3 pm Abbotsford campus green http://www.ufvsus.ca/events For … Read more

Entrance Scholarships information session — Feb 7

Want to know more about how to finance your UFV education? This information session will provide clarity about funding opportunities available at UFV, including entrance scholarships and awards. Don’t miss out as UFV’s entrance Scholarship deadline is coming up soon on March 10. Please register for this session through Zoom: https://ufv-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SgC_zZUQRnyZDkuit5YWQQ Tues, Feb 7 6-7 … Read more

2023/24 meeting weeks breakdown now online

The 2023-2024 Meeting Schedule Weeks Breakdown is located at H:\UFVinfo\Meeting Schedule and Timelines\2023-2024 Meeting Schedule Timelines\2023-2024_WeeksBreakdown_UFVMeetings_StatHolidays.pdf. Those employees responsible for booking meeting space for department and committee meetings are asked to contact Room Bookings directly, between February and June 2023, in order to book space. Please send an email to room.bookings@ufv.ca or use the room … Read more