Opioid Crisis Dinner and Dialogue — Dec 5

UFV Dialogue Trades

An evening of dinner and dialogue takes place Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023, from 6-8pm at UFV Trades & Technology Center in Rivers Dining Room. This event is sponsored by our Faculty of Applied and Technical Studies in partnership with Abbotsford’s ROAR (Reducing Overdose, Abbotsford Response) Community. It’s supported by FEOR, a community-based, participatory action research partnership that was initiated in January 2018 to address unwitnessed drug toxicity deaths in the specific context of the Fraser East region.

We believe that our findings are highly relevant to community stakeholders, and members of our team look forward to engaging in conversation over a meal.

This is an opportunity to gather with community members, to share knowledge and insight and engage in conversation surrounding the social and family impacts of the opioid crisis, and to introduce community members to people with lived experience or their supporters.

Tue, Dec 5, 2023
6-8 pm
UFV Chilliwack — Rivers Dining Room #1068 at Trades & Technology Centre

For more information, contact Marlie Murphy at marlie.murphy@ufv.ca
