Access your Professional Development Funds Today!

Hi there. I hope everyone has settled just fine into the new academic year and is now looking forward to the holiday break! But don’t forget to start thinking about what professional development activities you’d like to pursue, as you have until March 31, 2023 to access this fiscal year’s funds. Jim Kwik once said, … Read more

2022 Retirement Dinner — Get Your Tickets Now!

The 2022 Retirement Dinner is coming up on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. If you’d like to celebrate this momentous occasion with your colleagues, tickets can be purchased for $25.00 in Human Resources. Come out to enjoy a delicious meal, great company and to celebrate the amazing achievements and contributions made by these 30 employees: Robin … Read more

United Way and UFV Employee Giving Breakfast 2022

As UFV’s United Way campaign administrator, I have the pleasure of inviting you to our kick-off pancake breakfast on November 1 in Abbotsford and November 2 in Chilliwack. Come in to work a little early to enjoy a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice – the works – served up by United Way … Read more

Deadline for Staff Educational Leave Applications in October 31, 2022

Attention all staff! This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for Staff Educational Leave applications is coming up soon – October 31, 2022. Make sure you mark your calendar! For those of you unfamiliar with Staff Ed Leaves, UFV offers short-term educational leaves for staff with three years of continuous service in a permanent … Read more

Employee Parking Information

A reminder that several payment options are available for employee parking. Register and pay for their annual parking permit through the convenience of payroll deduction. Most employees using this service have already registered. Find out if you’re registered for payroll deductions by checking your most recent paystub (under ‘Deductions after Federal Tax’) through myUFV. Register for a … Read more

Not Myself Today — Mental Health Training for Supervisors and Managers

To support our institution in its commitment to provide resources to improve and maintain good mental health, a second workshop series of Not Myself Today®, an initiative of the Canadian Mental Health Association, starts in September, 2022. This program will be delivered in five workshops over the coming weeks and months, and we encourage you … Read more

Fall 2022 Learning & Development Series

Welcome back to campus everyone — we’ve missed you! We are pleased to offer you some great learning and development opportunities this fall semester. Building & Sustaining Workplace Mental Health and Performance Beyond the Great Re-Set Join Lori Schmidt, Debbie Pearmain, Victoria Grainger and Tyler Hoffman as they share workplace mental health predictions and practical … Read more

Service Improvement Training Fund Available for Staff Employees

Calling all staff teams interested in additional training and development to enhance the UFV student experience!  Did you know that UFV has a Service Improvement Training Fund (SIT Fund), distinct from individual PD funds, available for staff employees for specific types of training and development activities? The SIT Fund provides funding for groups of staff … Read more