Winter, 2023 Learning & Development Series

We are looking forward to a new year and hope that we can offer you some sessions to help  you fulfill your resolutions! Maybe you want to improve your technical skills, or maybe it’s time to focus on your health and well-being. But whatever your goals are for 2023, your Human Resources department is here … Read more

2022 Retirement Dinner — Get Your Tickets Now!

The 2022 Retirement Dinner is coming up on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. If you’d like to celebrate this momentous occasion with your colleagues, tickets can be purchased for $25.00 in Human Resources. Come out to enjoy a delicious meal, great company and to celebrate the amazing achievements and contributions made by these 30 employees: Robin … Read more

United Way and UFV Employee Giving Breakfast 2022

As UFV’s United Way campaign administrator, I have the pleasure of inviting you to our kick-off pancake breakfast on November 1 in Abbotsford and November 2 in Chilliwack. Come in to work a little early to enjoy a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice – the works – served up by United Way … Read more

Not Myself Today — Mental Health Training for Supervisors and Managers

To support our institution in its commitment to provide resources to improve and maintain good mental health, a second workshop series of Not Myself Today®, an initiative of the Canadian Mental Health Association, starts in September, 2022. This program will be delivered in five workshops over the coming weeks and months, and we encourage you … Read more

Fall 2022 Learning & Development Series

Welcome back to campus everyone — we’ve missed you! We are pleased to offer you some great learning and development opportunities this fall semester. Building & Sustaining Workplace Mental Health and Performance Beyond the Great Re-Set Join Lori Schmidt, Debbie Pearmain, Victoria Grainger and Tyler Hoffman as they share workplace mental health predictions and practical … Read more

Join Marlene Affleck on the Ride to Hope – The Canadian Camino

Between August 5-15 Marlene Affleck and her friend will ride their bikes 700 km through PEI supporting two charities very near and dear to them. When the pandemic forced her to postpone her dream of riding the Camino in Spain, she found a substitute – the Canadian Camino. And even better, they are turning this … Read more

Don’t Hide — Get Outside; Get Moving in June to Improve Your Mental Health

      Did you know that simply moving your body benefits your mental health. Regular aerobic exercise can reduce depressive symptoms, boost your mood, increase  your energy, and reduce feelings of fatigue. Meditation, yoga and tai chi are all helpful in reducing symptoms of PTSD. When you change your posture and breathing techniques, you … Read more

Employee Fitness Challenge – Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser Walk — Feb 26/22

JOIN THE STRIVE TO THRIVE TEAM – The Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser is intended to support fellow community members who take shelter wherever they can find it. By walking in the cold and dark and leaving the comfort and warmth of your home, you will gain an understanding of the challenges faced by … Read more

UFV is One of BC’s Top Employers — Again!

The University of the Fraser Valley has once again been named one of BC’s Top Employers.  This marks the eighth straight year that UFV has been selected. BC’s Top Employers is a competition that recognizes employers in British Columbia that lead their industries in offering exceptional places to work. Mark Pearson, UFV’s Manager, Recruitment Services, … Read more