UFV TLC feels privileged to facilitate an ISW for Abby PD

         Ken Harmel (above left photo), and Michelle Johnson (above right photo), from UFV Teaching and Learning Centre, recently facilitated an Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) for the Abbotsford Police Department. Written by Ken Harmel Last week I was reminded that even excellent educators find areas of improvement that enhance the learning experience of … Read more

Ode to bell hooks

Written by Maureen Wideman, Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning When I began my studies in education and how people learn, one of the first scholars I read was bell hooks. Needless to say, for me, this was an eye-opening experience that brought me face-to-face with my white privilege and the oppression people experience in … Read more

Black History Month – Six Extraordinary Events

In honour of Black History Month 2022, the BC Black History Awareness Society has planned six superb events that we know you are going to enjoy. We’ve harnessed a mix of technology and safe in-person venues to bring you an amazing lineup of talks, exhibits, workshops, tours and, as always, wonderful music featuring Black performers and … Read more

We have made our way through!

Written by Katherine Kohler, TLC Learning Designer FACING UNCERTAINTY In our experience supporting faculty and staff during this difficult and unprecedented time, we at TLC have been humbled by the effort, resilience, flexibility, and compassion that instructors have shown to their students and to one another. The past months have forced us to contend with … Read more

We have a new look. Check us out!

Written by Claire Hay, Teaching and Learning Specialist The Teaching and Learning Centre website at https://www.ufv.ca/teaching-and-learning/ has undergone a makeover to better serve faculty using our site.  On the new website you will find a self-serve portal to find and book workshops or book one-on-one consultations with our learning designers and specialists.  Faculty can easily … Read more

Top 10 TLC Resources

Winter Learning Designer Recommendations to Make Your Teaching Even Better! Top 10 TLC resources: New TLC website New Workshop bookings New online one to one consultation bookings Download MS 365 Office Apps  >ALL APPS Zoom tool integration UFV Media Centre for all video tutorials WeVu peer review for video peerScholar peer review for writing And … Read more

BCTEAL Award to fund First Aid materials for community partners

BCTEAL Award to fund First Aid materials for community partners Written by Victoria Surtees The TLC, in collaboration with partners from Continuing Education and Archway Community Services has been awarded $4000 from BCTEAL, the province’s professional association for Teachers of English as an Additional Language. The award will fund a project to create First Aid … Read more

Internationalize your Outlook Calendar

Written by Victoria Surtees, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Internationalization. Did you know you could set your Outlook Calendar to include holidays from most countries and religions across the world? You can do it in less than 2 minutes with just a few simple clicks. So why should you? Well, let’s face it, when we celebrate … Read more

Taming the Hybrid Classroom

Written by Dulmini Wathugala, TLC Learning Designer Cohesion of face-to-face and online instruction, roughly the same amount and never simultaneously – the “hybrid model” is no longer a novel term to us. Maybe you’re already teaching in one of many hybrid classrooms we have at UFV, either for a hybrid format or a fully face-to-face … Read more