Territory Acknowledgement Workshops

During this session, we will learn about the Halq’eméylem speaking Stó:lō peoples intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S’ólh Téméxw. We will connect with the land and learn how to create a personal and culturally appropriate territory acknowledgment. *This workshop will be conducted outside. Dress appropriate for the weather. Dates: April 17, 2024 … Read more

ConnectED 2024 – Teaching and Learning Conference – May 8, 2024

REGISTER HERE! Wednesday, May 8, 8:30 am – 3 pm, Abbotsford Campus, Evered Hall in S Building. UFV Teaching & Learning is excited to host ConnectED 2024,  – a day for building connections, engaging in teaching and learning experiences, and creating opportunities for transforming education, one conversation, idea, and action at a time. In Radical … Read more

Claire Hay and Awneet Sivia attended STHLE 2023

                Claire Hay and Awneet Sivia attended STHLE 2023 in Charlottetown PEI and participated in presentations on AI Technology in Higher Education, Indigenizing curriculum, program reviews, professional development models, assessment and much more! Claire presented two sessions: one on an Indigenous model for curriculum development using the 5R’s (with … Read more

Indigenization Workshops – May 2023

Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation Dates: May 11 & 12, 2023 Time: 9am to 4pm Location: UFV Abbotsford Campus – G124 Description The Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation is a two-day workshop where we will go through a journey to discover challenges and best practices in decolonizing our education practice and spaces. Through reflecting on your experiences … Read more

Chat Learning Tech – A Drop-In Time to Chat about Learning Technology

Join Michelle Johnson, Teaching and Learning Specialist in Learning with Technology, in her Chat Learning Tech. Chat Learning Tech is a monthly online discussion group with the goal of having a non-structured, casual discussion about the use of  Learning Technology in the UFV classroom. Bring your technology-related strategies to share and brainstorm ways to target … Read more

Faculty Fridays – Drop-In

The TLC Learning Designers have designated some time on Fridays where you can drop-in and ask a Learning Designer questions about your online courses, and/or how to incorporate ed-tools, Blackboard questions, etc. for your teaching practice. Of course, you can still drop-in anytime to get help, or email asktlc@ufv.ca to schedule appointments. Drop in for … Read more

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy – Community of Practice (8 sessions)

Culturally responsive pedagogy is an approach that challenges deficit perspectives and draws on students strengths to foster success. Join a community of staff and faculty interested in exploring topics, theories and activities related to this approach over 8 1- hour sessions, Sessions will be every two weeks on Mondays, 11:30-12:30 on the following dates with … Read more

Professional Learning Community: Source Use and Citation (5 session series)

Are you looking for new ways to talk about citation in your class? Are you tired of repeating the same academic integrity policies over and over with no results?  Are you using an activity or strategy around source use or academic integrity that you’d like to share?  Join Learning Specialist, Victoria Surtees and Assistant Professor, … Read more

Tech Talk Forum: The Impact of AI-Chat GPT in Higher Ed (Post Event Resources and Strategies)

On Wednesday, January 25th, the Teaching and Learning Centre hosted an Open Forum on the topic of AI and ChatGPT technology. The forum brought together over 60 participants from various disciplines to discuss the impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education and specifically the challenges and possibilities here at UFV. The forum began with an overview … Read more