Black History Month – Six Extraordinary Events

In honour of Black History Month 2022, the BC Black History Awareness Society has planned six superb events that we know you are going to enjoy. We’ve harnessed a mix of technology and safe in-person venues to bring you an amazing lineup of talks, exhibits, workshops, tours and, as always, wonderful music featuring Black performers and … Read more

Internationalize your Outlook Calendar

Written by Victoria Surtees, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Internationalization. Did you know you could set your Outlook Calendar to include holidays from most countries and religions across the world? You can do it in less than 2 minutes with just a few simple clicks. So why should you? Well, let’s face it, when we celebrate … Read more

Taming the Hybrid Classroom

Written by Dulmini Wathugala, TLC Learning Designer Cohesion of face-to-face and online instruction, roughly the same amount and never simultaneously – the “hybrid model” is no longer a novel term to us. Maybe you’re already teaching in one of many hybrid classrooms we have at UFV, either for a hybrid format or a fully face-to-face … Read more

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Call to Action #80

Written by Lorna Andrews, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Indigenization / Video produced by Katherine Kohler, TLC Learning Designer “We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, to establish, as a statutory holiday, a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of … Read more

Community News – Phanton Screens raises $20,000 for UFV Halq’eméylem Language course scholarship

The results are in, we did it!! We raised $20,000 for our “to Cut or Not to Cut” hair fundraiser. With your help we were able to establish a named endowment to support a scholarship in perpetuity for the University of the Fraser Valley’s Indigenous Language course, the Halq’eméylem of the Stó:lō people. This means that one … Read more

University of Calgary’s Universal Design for Learning in Disciplinary Contexts in Higher Education

The University of Calgary has recently developed a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guide that focuses on aspects of inclusion from a disciplinary perspective. Are you teaching biology, psychology, in a design studio or in community? This guide provides strategies for incorporating UDL into your courses and more. It also discusses how accommodating a student … Read more

Visual Syllabus: An Introduction

The course outline or syllabus is an instructors first opportunity to engage students in the course even before classes commence. Evidence both anecdotal and research based suggests that supplementing the lengthy contractual syllabus that often never gets read, with a visually engaging syllabus could boost student interest and motivation in the course as well as … Read more