UFV Science Student shines at 45th annual Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop

4th year UFV Biology Student, Brenna Hay, presented her poster entitled “Evaluating potential cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of neonicotinoids with fish cell lines” at the 45th Annual Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop held in Vancouver on Monday, October 1st. The theme for this year’s workshop “Science. Application. Action.” reflects the work that each member has undertaken to maintain … Read more

greenSPEAK Series: A guided walking tour with Alan Reid OCT 11 @ 12:30 PM

The Faculty of Science is excited to announce the upcoming 2018/2019 greenSPEAK Series! Please join Biology Professor Alan Reid for a lunchtime guided walking tour around the D Building “Swamp”. WHEN: Thursday, OCT 11th TIME: 12:30 – 1:30 PM WHERE: We will meet up at the First Nations’ spindle whorl outside on the plaza between … Read more

Dr. Lucy Lee returns from a busy, year long administrative and sabbatical leave

Dr. Lee has had a busy year travelling the world and fulfilling her administrative and research plans. READ Dr. Lee’s full summary report [PDF] Dr. Lee’s year in review in pictures September 2017 ICELAND: Dr. Lee connected with scientists in Iceland from both academia and industry.  She had the opportunity to visit the University of … Read more

Let’s Talk Science Outreach is here at UFV!

We are very excited to announce that the Let’s Talk Science outreach program has officially arrived at UFV! We have now joined other universities from across Canada who connect educators and youth with outstanding volunteers to deliver a wide variety of meaningful science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning experiences to both classroom and community … Read more

Entry Level Analytical Laboratory Technician Needed

Worker Bee Honey, the largest beekeeping operation in BC, is setting up an analytical lab to analyze honey samples collected around North America. Currently, a Bruker 400 MHz NMR Food Screener is on site with plans for also setting up quantitative PCR pollen analysis. In addition, collaborations with groups using Raman spectrometry and mass spectrometry … Read more

Spotlight On Learning – Exploring the New Curriculum

Join Us!     Spotlight on Learning – Exploring the New Curriculum Date: Friday, October 19, 2018 Time: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Location: Evered Hall in the SUB, UFV- Abbotsford Campus, The one day event will bring together university faculty and high school teachers, academic advisors and guidance counsellors, in a day of dialogue about the … Read more

Science Faculty Council Student Nominations 2018/2019

The Science Faculty Council is looking for 2 Student Representatives for a ONE YEAR term. The Mandate of the Science Faculty Council (SFC) shall: serve as the forum for sharing information and the discussion of academic matters receive recommendations related to academic programs, including but not limited to: development of new programs, program changes, new … Read more

Calling all UFV Science Students! Kick start your year at the 11th Annual Science Social SEPT 27!

Are you a new or returning UFV science student? If so, this event is for you! Come on out and visit with your fellow science students, science faculty and staff while getting information on the Science Clubs and Associations. Of course there’s free pizza, refreshments and door prizes! Music provided by CIVL Radio. This is … Read more

Volunteer Eco Students Abroad! INFO SESSION SEPT 6-7 @ UFV U-HOUSE

Volunteer Eco Students Abroad will be on the UFV campus to provide information session on their international volunteer programs around the world. If you would like to be part of something incredible next summer that looks great on your resume or CV, or would simply like more information they will be hosting the following information … Read more

SustainableUFV News – SEPT 2018

SustainableUFV Meeting: September 18th, ABBY B121, 12:00-1:30pm Students, staff, and faculty are all encouraged to join us on September 18th, 12:00 – 1:30pm to discuss SustainableUFV’s projects, initiatives and goals for the 2018/2019 year. An opportunity to get involved in projects and events, to provide comments on past initiatives, and to develop future project ideas. … Read more