Day 16: France with Friends

Hello everyone! Today marks day 2 of the CERN Programme. Today was our first full day in Paris. It started with breakfast in the hotel cafeteria. Nowadays it seems we have sliced baguettes with meat and cheese. The orange juice is truly magnificent, and is squeezed right in front of you when you dispense it. … Read more

Day 15: Extra Tears and Shifting Gears

Hello everyone. Day 15 of my excursion. Day 1 of the CERN programme. Just when you thought the tears were done. After I said my final goodbyes to my dorm room and wolfed down a quick breakfast, there were several students who had come to the bus stop to wish all of us going on … Read more

Day 14: LIYSFinale

Hello everyone and thank you for following the blog. Well, here I am at the end. Today is the final day of LIYSF and the final day of the most incredible two week adventure I have ever been on. Today started off with an event called the Participant’s Forum. Here, the students of LIYSF gathered … Read more

Amazing opportunity in Churchill, Manitoba for students interested in science communication

THIS SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE IS A ONCE-IN-A LIFETIME ADVENTURE Secure your spot in this rare professional development opportunity. The skills and experience gained will enrich the career of any scientist, thought leader or communications professional. This week-long experience mixes the best of science communications training with immersion and hands-on experience on the subarctic tundra. You … Read more

Day 13: Queendom and Phantom

Hello once again! Today, I’ve earned my place among the royals. Well not exactly, I went to Buckingham palace. And I couldn’t take any pictures or touch anything or sit on the throne or even meet the queen. Not only that but I didn’t see a single ham there, let alone a ham that was … Read more

Day 12: Tower, Thames, Tradition

And once more, hello! Today was such an incredible adventure filled with history, photographs, presentation, song and dance, and impulsive purchases. So let’s get started! The day began with a choice of amazing visits. Some went to the University of Oxford, others went to the University of Cambridge, while I went on the visit to … Read more

Day 11: Bits and Beits

Hello again, everyone! ( not that I know how many people “everyone” refers to, it could be just one, (hi mom) ) So, today started with another plenary lecture, this time delivered by Dr Evelyn Gitau. Dr Gitau’s lecture, titled “Investing in Youth to Secure Global Health for Our Future”, touched base on many of … Read more

Day 10: The Feeling of Flight

Hello audience! Wow, what a day. Whether it be literal flight, or a feeling of euphoria, everything today seemed to revolve around flight and weightlessness. Our day begins with the LIYSF Alumni specialist lectures. Today, I attended a lecture delivered by Dr Stephan Priebe, who spoke about aerodynamics, turbulent flow, and computational fluid dynamics. I … Read more

Day 9: Fusion, Excursion, Audition, Procrastination

Hello once again! Have you ever wanted environmentally friendly and self-sustaining energy so badly you were willing to superheat helium isotopes and smash them together? If no, then this post is not for you. Today we visited the Culham Centre for Fusion. After catching up on some missed sleep on the bus ride, we went … Read more

Day 8: LIYTF

Hello once again! I thought this was a science forum. Today we celebrate the existence of the London International Youth Theater Forum. Don’t get me wrong, I love theater as much as science, but today was particularly interesting. It began with our one and only Specialist Study Day. We all split into groups where we … Read more