A few holiday tips from SustainableUFV …

We love everything about the holidays, whether that be the lights or decorations. Most importantly, we appreciate the overwhelming feeling of joy from spending time with all of our loved ones.

However, considering our passion for sustainability it is hard not to feel a sense of guilt due to the increase in our energy consumption and production of waste during this time. Fortunately, we were able to research simple ways to reduce our environmental impact while still enjoying the season – pretty much the best of both worlds.

City of Abbotsford Recycling Tips

Should you throw it in the garbage or the recycling? Perhaps a quick glance at these lists will help you make your decision:

Nice List – If it makes this list, put it in the blue bag.

  • Wrapping paper without metal or plastic pieces
  • Tissue paper (from gift bags)
  • Paper gift bags once you remove the handles and decorations
  • Cards

Naughty List – If it makes this list, put it in the garbage.

  • Wrapping paper with metal or plastic pieces
  • Ribbons and bows
  • Ornaments
  • Bubble wrap

There are certain things that do not make either list. The following items should be recycled at a depot:

  • Holiday lights – find a location here
  • Foam packaging

Energy Efficiency

Party Ideas

If you are hosting a holiday party, consider a theme such as comfy pajamas and fuzzy socks! This will result in your guests bundling up which will allow you to keep the thermostat low.

Purchase Energy Efficient Light Bulbs – LED are the way to go!

Not only will this reduce your energy consumption but they will also last a lot longer!

Consider Goodies that Encourage Sustainability as Stocking Stuffers

The following consists of small items that most Sustainable Champions could appreciate:

  • Reusable straws
  • Collapsible straws (a straw that fits in a keychain)
  • Beeswax food storage wraps (sustainable cling wrap)
  • Reusable mesh produce bags

Alternative Gift Wrap

  • Reusable bags instead of gift bags (can be used many times after)
  • Newspaper, magazines, or pages from an old book
  • Old drawings
  • Part of the gift itself (eg. using the scarf that was originally apart of the gift to wrap the entire gift)

Sustainable Gift Ideas

  • DIY (do it yourself) gifts
  • Experiences as gifts (movie tickets, adventures, etc.)

We hope that these tips are helpful and that you all have very happy holidays

Sharisse Birk, BBA Student
Student Sustainability Coordinator