Bonjour! Welcome back to the LIYSF / CERN blog!
I think the entirety of the science done in Paris happened yesterday. Today was a day of tourism!
Our first visit after breakfast was to the Louvre museum. Never had I ever really understood how many pieces of art and displays you could cram into one building, let alone how absolutely massive you could even make a museum. The
Louvre is a behemoth of a building, and even with the two and a half hours we were given to explore, I wasn’t able to fully see half of it. I took many pictures and videos of paintings and sculptures I wanted to see, including ancient
Egyptian sarcophagi, sculptures of Zeus and other Greek figures, and the Mona Lisa. As difficult as it was to maneuver through all those people, I grabbed a couple pictures. I also grabbed a couple souvenirs as well, further contributing to this trip’s motif if impulsiveness.
After the museum excursion, we went to the food court still within the museum. There we got to choose between a variety of different types of food. Using the next to no French I knew and scattered points and nods. I managed to acquire chow mein, rice, and spring rolls. Others tried French meals while others tried Greek cuisine.
From there we left the museum and traveled to the Arc de Triomphe. Hello again, old friend. This time was different, however, as we got tickets to enter the Arc. It was quite the learning experience. Partly learning about French history, but mostly about how out of shape my legs are. There were long and steep spiral steps up to a sort of atrium that opened up inside the arc where you could pay to get large shiny coins with the Arc
stamped on them. Yes, I did get one, thank you for asking. The coin, however, could not compare to the actual view. From the top of the Arc you could see many of Paris’s buildings and its city structure. There was in incredible view of the downtown business area and an even more beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower. Many pictures and one singing of Happy Birthday to my friend Rahn later, we descended the spiral steps of the Arc and headed for dinner.
Dinner took place in a cozy two floored diner. There we had chicken, curry, and rice with coke to drink. Oh, and lots and lots of water. I seem to have contracted a very sore and swollen throat. Perfect…
I decided to call it early last night on account of the virus on the rise. That and I have been terribly bad at procrastinating on my blog posts. I even declined the offer to go get crepes. I hope you’re all satisfied.
But seriously, I appreciate you all for those of you who read and follow my adventures!
Cheers and goodnight,
Nikola T.
CERN 2018